
Class ImageWriter

Implemented Interfaces:
Known Direct Subclasses:

public abstract class ImageWriter
extends Object
implements ImageTranscoder

A class for encoding images within the ImageIO framework. An ImageWriter for a given format is instantiated by an ImageWriterSpi for that format. ImageWriterSpis are registered with the IIORegistry. The ImageWriter API supports writing animated images that may have multiple frames; to support such images many methods take an index parameter. Images may also be written in multiple passes, where each successive pass increases the level of detail in the destination image.

Field Summary

protected Locale[]
All locales available for localization of warning messages, or null if localization is not supported.
protected Locale
The current locale used to localize warning messages, or null if no locale has been set.
protected ImageWriterSpi
The image writer SPI that instantiated this writer.
protected Object
An ImageInputStream to which image data is written.
protected List
A list of installed progress listeners.
protected List
A list of installed warning listeners.
protected List
A list of warning locales corresponding with the list of installed warning listeners.

Constructor Summary

ImageWriter(ImageWriterSpi originatingProvider)
Construct an image writer.

Method Summary

Request that writing be aborted.
protected boolean
Check if the abort flag is set.
addIIOWriteProgressListener(IIOWriteProgressListener listener)
Install a write progress listener.
addIIOWriteWarningListener(IIOWriteWarningListener listener)
Install a write warning listener.
canInsertEmpty(int imageIndex)
Check whether a new empty image can be inserted at the given frame index.
canInsertImage(int imageIndex)
Check whether an image can be inserted at the given frame index.
canRemoveImage(int imageIndex)
Check whether an image can be removed from the given frame index.
canReplaceImageMetadata(int imageIndex)
Check whether the metadata associated the image at the given frame index can be replaced.
canReplacePixels(int imageIndex)
Check whether the pixels within the image at the given index can be replaced.
Check whether the metadata associated the entire image stream can be replaced.
Check whether an entire empty image, including empty metadata and empty thumbnails, can be written to the output stream, leaving pixel values to be filled in later using the replacePixels methods.
Check if IIOImages containing raster data are supported.
Check if an image can be appended at the end of the current list of images even if prior images have already been written.
protected void
Clear the abort flag.
abstract IIOMetadata
convertImageMetadata(IIOMetadata inData, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param)
Convert IIOMetadata from an input reader format, returning an IIOMetadata suitable for use by an image writer.
abstract IIOMetadata
convertStreamMetadata(IIOMetadata inData, ImageWriteParam param)
Convert IIOMetadata from an input stream format, returning an IIOMetadata suitable for use by an image writer.
Releases any resources allocated to this object.
Complete inserting an empty image in the output stream.
Complete replacing pixels in an image in the output stream.
Complete writing an empty image to the image output stream.
Complete writing a sequence of images to the output stream.
Retrieve the available locales.
abstract IIOMetadata
getDefaultImageMetadata(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param)
Get a metadata object appropriate for encoding an image specified by the given image type specifier and optional image write parameters.
abstract IIOMetadata
getDefaultStreamMetadata(ImageWriteParam param)
Get a metadata object appropriate for encoding the default image type handled by this writer, optionally considering image write parameters.
Retrieve the default write parameters for this writer's image format.
Get this writer's locale. null is returned if the locale has not been set.
getNumThumbnailsSupported(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param, IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOMetadata imageMetadata)
Get the number of thumbnails supported by this image writer, based on the given image type, image writing parameters, and stream and image metadata.
Get the ImageWriterSpi that created this writer or null.
Get this reader's image output destination. null is returned if the image destination has not been set.
getPreferredThumbnailSizes(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param, IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOMetadata imageMetadata)
Get the preferred sizes for thumbnails based on the given image type, image writing parameters, and stream and image metadata.
prepareInsertEmpty(int imageIndex, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, int width, int height, IIOMetadata imageMetadata, BufferedImage> thumbnails, ImageWriteParam param)
Start inserting an empty image in the image output stream.
prepareReplacePixels(int imageIndex, Rectangle region)
Start the replacement of pixels within an image in the output stream.
prepareWriteEmpty(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, int width, int height, IIOMetadata imageMetadata, BufferedImage> thumbnails, ImageWriteParam param)
Start writing an empty image to the end of the image output stream.
prepareWriteSequence(IIOMetadata streamMetadata)
Start the writing of a sequence of images.
protected void
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that image loading has completed by calling their imageComplete methods.
protected void
processImageProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that a certain percentage of the image has been loaded, by calling their imageProgress methods.
protected void
processImageStarted(int imageIndex)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that image loading has started on the given image.
protected void
Notifies all installed write progress listeners, by calling their thumbnailComplete methods, that a thumbnail has completed loading.
protected void
processThumbnailProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that a certain percentage of a thumbnail has been loaded, by calling their thumbnailProgress methods.
protected void
processThumbnailStarted(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that thumbnail loading has started on the given thumbnail of the given image.
protected void
processWarningOccurred(int imageIndex, String warning)
Notifies all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised.
protected void
processWarningOccurred(int imageIndex, String baseName, String keyword)
Notify all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised.
protected void
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that image loading has been aborted by calling their writeAborted methods.
Uninstall all write progress listeners.
Uninstall all write warning listeners.
removeIIOWriteProgressListener(IIOWriteProgressListener listener)
Uninstall the given write progress listener.
removeIIOWriteWarningListener(IIOWriteWarningListener listener)
Uninstall the given write warning listener.
removeImage(int imageIndex)
Remove the image at the specified index from the output stream.
replaceImageMetadata(int imageIndex, IIOMetadata imageMetadata)
Replace the metadata associated with the image at the given index.
replacePixels(Raster raster, ImageWriteParam param)
Replace a region of an image in the output stream with a portion of the given raster data.
replacePixels(RenderedImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
Replace a region of an image in the output stream with a portion of the given rendered image.
replaceStreamMetadata(IIOMetadata streamMetadata)
Replace the metadata associated with this image stream.
Reset this writer's internal state.
setLocale(Locale locale)
Set the current locale or use the default locale.
setOutput(Object output)
Set the output destination of the given object.
write(RenderedImage image)
Write a rendered image to the output stream.
write(IIOImage image)
Write a image data, metadata and thumbnails to the output stream.
abstract void
write(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
Write an image stream, including thumbnails and metadata to the output stream.
writeInsert(int imageIndex, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
Insert an image into the output stream.
writeToSequence(IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
Write a sequence of images, including thumbnails and metadata, to the output stream.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, extends Object> getClass, finalize, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


protected Locale[] availableLocales
All locales available for localization of warning messages, or null if localization is not supported.


protected Locale locale
The current locale used to localize warning messages, or null if no locale has been set.


protected ImageWriterSpi originatingProvider
The image writer SPI that instantiated this writer.


protected Object output
An ImageInputStream to which image data is written.


protected List progressListeners
A list of installed progress listeners. Initially null, meaning no installed listeners.


protected List warningListeners
A list of installed warning listeners. Initially null, meaning no installed listeners.


protected List warningLocales
A list of warning locales corresponding with the list of installed warning listeners. Initially null, meaning no locales.

Constructor Details


protected ImageWriter(ImageWriterSpi originatingProvider)
Construct an image writer.
originatingProvider - the provider that is constructing this image writer, or null

Method Details


public void abort()
Request that writing be aborted. The unwritten portions of the destination image will be undefined. Writers should clear the abort flag before starting a write operation, then poll it periodically during the write operation.


protected boolean abortRequested()
Check if the abort flag is set.
true if the current write operation should be aborted, false otherwise


public void addIIOWriteProgressListener(IIOWriteProgressListener listener)
Install a write progress listener. This method will return immediately if listener is null.
listener - a write progress listener or null


public void addIIOWriteWarningListener(IIOWriteWarningListener listener)
Install a write warning listener. This method will return immediately if listener is null. Warning messages sent to this listener will be localized using the current locale. If the current locale is null then this writer will select a sensible default.
listener - a write warning listener


public boolean canInsertEmpty(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check whether a new empty image can be inserted at the given frame index. Pixel values may be filled in later using the replacePixels methods. Indices greater than the insertion index will be incremented. If imageIndex is -1, the image will be appended at the end of the current image list.
imageIndex - the frame index
true if an empty image can be inserted at imageIndex, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than -1 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IOException - if a write error occurs


public boolean canInsertImage(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check whether an image can be inserted at the given frame index. Indices greater than the insertion index will be incremented. If imageIndex is -1, the image will be appended at the end of the current image list.
imageIndex - the frame index
true if an image can be inserted at imageIndex, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than -1 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IOException - if a write error occurs


public boolean canRemoveImage(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check whether an image can be removed from the given frame index. Indices greater than the removal index will be decremented.
imageIndex - the frame index
true if an image can be removed from imageIndex, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than 0 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IOException - if a write error occurs


public boolean canReplaceImageMetadata(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check whether the metadata associated the image at the given frame index can be replaced.
imageIndex - the frame index
true if the metadata associated with the image at imageIndex can be replaced, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than 0 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IOException - if a write error occurs


public boolean canReplacePixels(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check whether the pixels within the image at the given index can be replaced.
imageIndex - the frame index
true if the pixels in the image at imageIndex can be replaced, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than 0 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IOException - if a write error occurs


public boolean canReplaceStreamMetadata()
            throws IOException
Check whether the metadata associated the entire image stream can be replaced.
true if the stream metadata can be replaced, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IOException - if a write error occurs


public boolean canWriteEmpty()
            throws IOException
Check whether an entire empty image, including empty metadata and empty thumbnails, can be written to the output stream, leaving pixel values to be filled in later using the replacePixels methods.
true if an entire empty image can be written before its contents are filled in, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IOException - if a write error occurs


public boolean canWriteRasters()
Check if IIOImages containing raster data are supported.
true if raster IIOImages are supported, false otherwise


public boolean canWriteSequence()
Check if an image can be appended at the end of the current list of images even if prior images have already been written.
true if sequences of images can be written, false otherwise


protected void clearAbortRequest()
Clear the abort flag.


public abstract IIOMetadata convertImageMetadata(IIOMetadata inData,
                                                 ImageTypeSpecifier imageType,
                                                 ImageWriteParam param)
Convert IIOMetadata from an input reader format, returning an IIOMetadata suitable for use by an image writer. The ImageTypeSpecifier specifies the destination image type. An optional ImageWriteParam argument is available in case the image writing parameters affect the metadata conversion.
Specified by:
convertImageMetadata in interface ImageTranscoder
inData - the metadata coming from an image reader
imageType - the output image type of the writer
param - the image writing parameters or null
the converted metadata that should be used by the image writer, or null if this ImageTranscoder has no knowledge of the input metadata
IllegalArgumentException - if either inData or imageType is null


public abstract IIOMetadata convertStreamMetadata(IIOMetadata inData,
                                                  ImageWriteParam param)
Convert IIOMetadata from an input stream format, returning an IIOMetadata suitable for use by an image writer. An optional ImageWriteParam argument is available in case the image writing parameters affect the metadata conversion.
Specified by:
convertStreamMetadata in interface ImageTranscoder
inData - the metadata coming from an input image stream
param - the image writing parameters or null
the converted metadata that should be used by the image writer, or null if this ImageTranscoder has no knowledge of the input metadata
IllegalArgumentException - if inData is null


public void dispose()
Releases any resources allocated to this object. Subsequent calls to methods on this object will produce undefined results. The default implementation does nothing; subclasses should use this method ensure that native resources are released.


public void endInsertEmpty()
            throws IOException
Complete inserting an empty image in the output stream.
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if inserting empty images is not supported
IllegalArgumentException - if a call to prepareInsertEmpty was not called previous to this method being called (a sequence of prepareInsertEmpty calls must be terminated by a call to endInsertEmpty)
IllegalArgumentException - if prepareWriteEmpty was called before this method being called (without a terminating call to endWriteEmpty)
IllegalArgumentException - if prepareReplacePixels was called before this method being called (without a terminating call to endReplacePixels)
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void endReplacePixels()
            throws IOException
Complete replacing pixels in an image in the output stream.
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if replacing pixels is not supported by this writer
IllegalArgumentException - if prepareReplacePixels was not called before this method being called
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void endWriteEmpty()
            throws IOException
Complete writing an empty image to the image output stream.
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if writing empty images is not supported
IllegalArgumentException - if a call to prepareWriteEmpty was not called previous to this method being called (a sequence of prepareWriteEmpty calls must be terminated by a call to endWriteEmpty)
IllegalArgumentException - if prepareInsertEmpty was called before this method being called (without a terminating call to endInsertEmpty)
IllegalArgumentException - if prepareReplacePixels was called before this method being called (without a terminating call to endReplacePixels)
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void endWriteSequence()
            throws IOException
Complete writing a sequence of images to the output stream. This method may patch header data and write out footer data.
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IllegalStateException - if prepareWriteSequence has not been called
UnsupportedOperationException - if writing a sequence of images is not supported
IOException - if a write error occurs


public Locale[] getAvailableLocales()
Retrieve the available locales. Return null if no locales are available or a clone of availableLocales.
an array of locales or null


public abstract IIOMetadata getDefaultImageMetadata(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType,
                                                    ImageWriteParam param)
Get a metadata object appropriate for encoding an image specified by the given image type specifier and optional image write parameters.
imageType - an image type specifier
param - image writing parameters, or null
a metadata object appropriate for encoding an image of the given type with the given parameters


public abstract IIOMetadata getDefaultStreamMetadata(ImageWriteParam param)
Get a metadata object appropriate for encoding the default image type handled by this writer, optionally considering image write parameters.
param - image writing parameters, or null
a metadata object appropriate for encoding an image of the default type with the given parameters


public ImageWriteParam getDefaultWriteParam()
Retrieve the default write parameters for this writer's image format. The default implementation returns new ImageWriteParam().
image writing parameters


public Locale getLocale()
Get this writer's locale. null is returned if the locale has not been set.
this writer's locale, or null


public int getNumThumbnailsSupported(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType,
                                     ImageWriteParam param,
                                     IIOMetadata streamMetadata,
                                     IIOMetadata imageMetadata)
Get the number of thumbnails supported by this image writer, based on the given image type, image writing parameters, and stream and image metadata. The image writing parameters are optional, in case they affect the number of thumbnails supported.
imageType - an image type specifier, or null
param - image writing parameters, or null
streamMetadata - the metadata associated with this stream, or null
imageMetadata - the metadata associated with this image, or null
the number of thumbnails that this writer supports writing or -1 if the given information is insufficient


public ImageWriterSpi getOriginatingProvider()
Get the ImageWriterSpi that created this writer or null.
an ImageWriterSpi, or null


public Object getOutput()
Get this reader's image output destination. null is returned if the image destination has not been set.
an image output destination object, or null


public Dimension[] getPreferredThumbnailSizes(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType,
                                              ImageWriteParam param,
                                              IIOMetadata streamMetadata,
                                              IIOMetadata imageMetadata)
Get the preferred sizes for thumbnails based on the given image type, image writing parameters, and stream and image metadata. The preferred sizes are returned in pairs of dimension values; the first value in the array is a dimension object representing the minimum thumbnail size, the second value is a dimension object representing a maximum thumbnail size. The writer can select a size within the range given by each pair, or it can ignore these size hints.
imageType - an image type specifier, or null
param - image writing parameters, or null
streamMetadata - the metadata associated with this stream, or null
imageMetadata - the metadata associated with this image, or null
an array of dimension pairs whose length is a multiple of 2, or null if there is no preferred size (any size is allowed) or if the size is unknown (insufficient information was provided)


public void prepareInsertEmpty(int imageIndex,
                               ImageTypeSpecifier imageType,
                               int width,
                               int height,
                               IIOMetadata imageMetadata,
                               BufferedImage> thumbnails,
                               ImageWriteParam param)
            throws IOException
Start inserting an empty image in the image output stream. All indices after the specified index are incremented. An index of -1 implies that the empty image should be appended to the end of the current image list. The insertion that this method call starts is not complete until endInsertEmpty is called. prepareInsertEmpty cannot be called again until endInsertEmpty is called and calls to prepareWriteEmpty and prepareInsertEmpty may not be intersperced.
imageIndex - the image index
imageType - the image type specifier
width - the image width
height - the image height
imageMetadata - the image metadata, or null
thumbnails - a list of thumbnails, or null
param - image write parameters, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if inserting empty images is not supported
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than -1 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareInsertEmpty was made (without a terminating call to endInsertEmpty)
IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareWriteEmpty was made (without a terminating call to endWriteEmpty)
IllegalArgumentException - if imageType is null or thumbnails contain non-BufferedImage objects
IllegalArgumentException - if either width or height is less than 1
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void prepareReplacePixels(int imageIndex,
                                 Rectangle region)
            throws IOException
Start the replacement of pixels within an image in the output stream. Output pixels will be clipped to lie within region.
imageIndex - the index of the image in which pixels are being replaced
region - the rectangle to which to limit pixel replacement
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if replacing pixels is not supported
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than 0 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareReplacePixels was made (without a terminating call to endReplacePixels)
IllegalArgumentException - if either region.width or region.height is less than 1, or if region is null
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void prepareWriteEmpty(IIOMetadata streamMetadata,
                              ImageTypeSpecifier imageType,
                              int width,
                              int height,
                              IIOMetadata imageMetadata,
                              BufferedImage> thumbnails,
                              ImageWriteParam param)
            throws IOException
Start writing an empty image to the end of the image output stream. The writing that this method call starts is not complete until endWriteEmpty is called. prepareWritetEmpty cannot be called again until endWriteEmpty is called and calls to prepareWriteEmpty and prepareInsertEmpty may not be intersperced.
streamMetadata - metadata associated with the stream, or null
imageType - the image type specifier
width - the image width
height - the image height
imageMetadata - the image metadata, or null
thumbnails - a list of thumbnails, or null
param - image write parameters, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if writing empty images is not supported
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than -1 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareInsertEmpty was made (without a terminating call to endInsertEmpty)
IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareWriteEmpty was made (without a terminating call to endWriteEmpty)
IllegalArgumentException - if imageType is null or thumbnails contain non-BufferedImage objects
IllegalArgumentException - if either width or height is less than 1
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void prepareWriteSequence(IIOMetadata streamMetadata)
            throws IOException
Start the writing of a sequence of images.
streamMetadata - the stream metadata, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if writing sequences of images is not supported
IOException - if a write error occurs


protected void processImageComplete()
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that image loading has completed by calling their imageComplete methods.


protected void processImageProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that a certain percentage of the image has been loaded, by calling their imageProgress methods.
percentageDone - the percentage of image data that has been loaded


protected void processImageStarted(int imageIndex)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that image loading has started on the given image.
imageIndex - the frame index of the image that has started loading


protected void processThumbnailComplete()
Notifies all installed write progress listeners, by calling their thumbnailComplete methods, that a thumbnail has completed loading.


protected void processThumbnailProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that a certain percentage of a thumbnail has been loaded, by calling their thumbnailProgress methods.
percentageDone - the percentage of thumbnail data that has been loaded


protected void processThumbnailStarted(int imageIndex,
                                       int thumbnailIndex)
Notifies all installed write progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that thumbnail loading has started on the given thumbnail of the given image.
imageIndex - the frame index of the image one of who's thumbnails has started loading
thumbnailIndex - the index of the thumbnail that has started loading


protected void processWarningOccurred(int imageIndex,
                                      String warning)
Notifies all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised.
imageIndex - the index of the image that was being written when the warning was raised
warning - the warning message
IllegalArgumentException - if warning is null


protected void processWarningOccurred(int imageIndex,
                                      String baseName,
                                      String keyword)
Notify all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised. The warning message is retrieved from a resource bundle, using the given basename and keyword.
imageIndex - the index of the image that was being written when the warning was raised
baseName - the basename of the resource from which to retrieve the warning message
keyword - the keyword used to retrieve the warning from the resource bundle
IllegalArgumentException - if either baseName or keyword is null
IllegalArgumentException - if no resource bundle is found using baseName
IllegalArgumentException - if the given keyword produces no results from the resource bundle
IllegalArgumentException - if the retrieved object is not a String


protected void processWriteAborted()
Notifies all installed write progress listeners that image loading has been aborted by calling their writeAborted methods.


public void removeAllIIOWriteProgressListeners()
Uninstall all write progress listeners.


public void removeAllIIOWriteWarningListeners()
Uninstall all write warning listeners.


public void removeIIOWriteProgressListener(IIOWriteProgressListener listener)
Uninstall the given write progress listener.
listener - the listener to remove


public void removeIIOWriteWarningListener(IIOWriteWarningListener listener)
Uninstall the given write warning listener.
listener - the listener to remove


public void removeImage(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Remove the image at the specified index from the output stream.
imageIndex - the frame index from which to remove the image
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if removing this image is not supported
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than 0 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void replaceImageMetadata(int imageIndex,
                                 IIOMetadata imageMetadata)
            throws IOException
Replace the metadata associated with the image at the given index.
imageIndex - the index of the image whose metadata should be replaced
imageMetadata - the metadata, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if replacing this image's metadata is not supported
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than 0 or greater than the last index in the current image list
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void replacePixels(Raster raster,
                          ImageWriteParam param)
            throws IOException
Replace a region of an image in the output stream with a portion of the given raster data. The image data must be of the same type as that in the output stream. The destination region is given by the image writing parameters and the source region is the one given to prepareReplacePixels.
raster - the raster data with which to overwrite the image region in the stream
param - the image writing parameters
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if replacing pixels is not supported
IllegalStateException - if prepareReplacePixels was not called before this method was called
UnsupportedOperationException - if raster data is not supported
IllegalArgumentException - if raster is null or if param is null or if the overlap of the source and destination regions contains no pixels or if the image types differ and no conversion is possible
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void replacePixels(RenderedImage image,
                          ImageWriteParam param)
            throws IOException
Replace a region of an image in the output stream with a portion of the given rendered image. The image data must be of the same type as that in the output stream. The destination region is given by the image writing parameters and the source region is the one given to prepareReplacePixels.
image - the rendered image with which to overwrite the image region in the stream
param - the image writing parameters
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if replacing pixels is not supported
IllegalStateException - if prepareReplacePixels was not called before this method was called
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null or if param is null or if the overlap of the source and destination regions contains no pixels or if the image types differ and no conversion is possible
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void replaceStreamMetadata(IIOMetadata streamMetadata)
            throws IOException
Replace the metadata associated with this image stream.
streamMetadata - the stream metadata, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if replacing the stream metadata is not supported
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void reset()
Reset this writer's internal state.


public void setLocale(Locale locale)
Set the current locale or use the default locale.
locale - the locale to set, or null


public void setOutput(Object output)
Set the output destination of the given object. The output destination must be set before many methods can be called on this writer. (see all ImageWriter methods that throw IllegalStateException). If input is null then the current input source will be removed.
output - the output destination object
IllegalArgumentException - if input is not a valid input source for this writer and is not an ImageInputStream


public void write(RenderedImage image)
            throws IOException
Write a rendered image to the output stream.
image - a rendered image containing image data to be written
IllegalStateException - if output is null
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void write(IIOImage image)
            throws IOException
Write a image data, metadata and thumbnails to the output stream.
image - image data, metadata and thumbnails to be written
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if image contains raster data but this writer does not support rasters
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null
IOException - if a write error occurs


public abstract void write(IIOMetadata streamMetadata,
                           IIOImage image,
                           ImageWriteParam param)
            throws IOException
Write an image stream, including thumbnails and metadata to the output stream. The output must have been set prior to this method being called. Metadata associated with the stream may be supplied, or it can be left null. IIOImage may contain raster data if this writer supports rasters, or it will contain a rendered image. Thumbnails are resized if need be. Image writing parameters may be specified to affect writing, or may be left null.
streamMetadata - metadata associated with this stream, or null
image - an IIOImage containing image data, metadata and thumbnails to be written
param - image writing parameters, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if image contains raster data but this writer does not support rasters
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void writeInsert(int imageIndex,
                        IIOImage image,
                        ImageWriteParam param)
            throws IOException
Insert an image into the output stream. Indices greater than the specified index are incremented accordingly. Specifying an index of -1 causes the image to be appended at the end of the current image list.
imageIndex - the frame index at which to insert the image
image - the image data, metadata and thumbnails to be inserted
param - image write parameters, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if image insertion is not supported
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if imageIndex is less than -1 or greater than the last index in the current image list
UnsupportedOperationException - if image contains raster data but this writer does not support rasters
IOException - if a write error occurs


public void writeToSequence(IIOImage image,
                            ImageWriteParam param)
            throws IOException
Write a sequence of images, including thumbnails and metadata, to the output stream. The output must have been set prior to this method being called. Metadata associated with the stream may be supplied, or it can be left null. IIOImage may contain raster data if this writer supports rasters, or it will contain a rendered image. Thumbnails are resized if need be. Image writing parameters may be specified to affect writing, or may be left null.
image - an IIOImage containing image data, metadata and thumbnails to be written
param - image writing parameters, or null
IllegalStateException - if output is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if writing sequences of images is not supported
IllegalArgumentException - if image is null
UnsupportedOperationException - if image contains raster data but this writer does not support rasters
IOException - if a write error occurs -- Encodes raster images. Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Classpath. GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.