Prev Package | Next Package | Frames | No Frames |
Interface Summary | |
Descriptor | Provides metadata for a management element as a series of fields, formed from name-value pairs. |
DescriptorAccess | Allows the descriptor of a management element to be changed. |
DescriptorRead | Provides read access to the descriptor of a management element. |
DynamicMBean | Represents a management bean that provides a dynamic interface. |
MBeanRegistration | Beans may implement this interface in order to perform operations immediately prior to or after their registration or deregistration. |
MBeanServer | This interface represents a server for management beans, providing facilities for the creation, registration and removal of such beans. |
MBeanServerConnection | This interface represents a communication mechanism which may be used to access an MBean server, whether this be local or remote. |
MBeanServerDelegateMBean | Defines the interface for the delegate bean associated with a management server. |
MXBean |
An annotation used to explictly mark an interface
as defining (or not defining) an MXBean . |
NotificationBroadcaster | Represents a bean that can emit notifications when events occur. |
NotificationEmitter | Represents a bean that can emit notifications when events occur. |
NotificationFilter | Represents a object that acts as a filter for notifications. |
NotificationListener | Represents a object that can receive notifications from a bean. |
PersistentMBean | Beans may implement this interface in order to become persistent. |
QueryExp | Applies the type of relational constraints seen in the
where clauses of databases to an
ObjectName . |
ValueExp | Represents values that may be passed as arguments to
QueryExp s. |
Class Summary | |
Attribute | Represents an MBean attribute, having the name and the assigned value. |
AttributeChangeNotification | Defines the notification used to let listeners know of an attribute change. |
AttributeChangeNotificationFilter | Performs filtering of AttributeChangeNotification s
based on a list of attribute names.
AttributeList | Represents a list of MBean Attribute s, with their
names and values. |
AttributeValueExp | Represents an attribute value being used as an argument to a relational constraint. |
DefaultLoaderRepository | Maintains a list of the ClassLoader instances
registered with the management servers, allowing it
to be used to load classes. |
JMX | Common static methods pertaining to the management API. |
MBeanAttributeInfo | Describes the attributes of a management bean. |
MBeanConstructorInfo | Describes the constructors of a management bean. |
MBeanFeatureInfo | A general superclass for the description of features of management beans. |
MBeanInfo | Describes the interface of a management bean. |
MBeanNotificationInfo | Describes the notifications emitted by a management bean. |
MBeanOperationInfo | Describes the operations of a management bean. |
MBeanParameterInfo | Describes the parameters of a constructor or operation associated with a management bean. |
MBeanPermission |
Represents the permissions required to perform
operations using the MBeanServer . |
MBeanServerBuilder | Constructs a default implementation of an MBeanServer .
MBeanServerDelegate | Provides an implementation of a delegate bean, which is associated with a management server. |
MBeanServerFactory |
Creates and maintains a set of MBeanServer instances.
MBeanServerInvocationHandler | Provides a proxy for a management bean. |
MBeanServerNotification | The notification emitted by a management server on a registration or de-registration event. |
MBeanServerPermission |
Represents the permissions required to perform
operations provided by the MBeanServerFactory .
MBeanTrustPermission | Represents the permission held by a trusted source of management beans. |
Notification | A notification message that may be emitted by a bean. |
NotificationBroadcasterSupport |
Provides an implementation of the NotificationEmitter
interface, which beans may utilise by extension. |
NotificationFilterSupport | Performs filtering of Notification s
based on a list of type prefixes. |
ObjectInstance | A simple class used to link a bean instance to its class name. |
ObjectName |
An ObjectName instance represents the name of a management
bean, or a pattern which may match the name of one or more
management beans. |
Query | Provides static methods for constructing queries. |
QueryEval | Represents the evaluation context of a MBeanServer
query by retaining the server used on a thread-by-thread
StandardMBean | Provides a dynamic management bean by using reflection on an interface and an implementing class. |
StringValueExp | Represents a string being used as an argument to a relational constraint. |
Exception Summary | |
AttributeNotFoundException | Thrown when a attribute is requested but can not be found. |
BadAttributeValueExpException | Thrown when the value of an a attribute passed to a query proves to be invalid. |
BadBinaryOpValueExpException | Thrown when the expression passed to a method for constructing a query proves to be invalid. |
BadStringOperationException | Thrown when a string-based operation passed to a query proves to be invalid. |
InstanceAlreadyExistsException | Thrown when an attempt to register a bean is made, and the bean is already registered. |
InstanceNotFoundException | Thrown when an attempt to locate a bean is made, and the bean does not exist in the repository. |
IntrospectionException | A general for all exceptions thrown during introspection operations on management beans. |
InvalidApplicationException | Thrown when a query or attribute is applied to a management bean which is of the wrong class. |
InvalidAttributeValueException | Thrown when a value is given for an attribute which is invalid. |
JMException | A general superclass for all non-runtime management exceptions. |
JMRuntimeException | A general superclass for all runtime management exceptions. |
ListenerNotFoundException | Thrown when a requested listener does not exist. |
MalformedObjectNameException | Thrown when a string used as an ObjectName
is invalid.
MBeanException | Represents an arbitrary exception thrown by a management bean. |
MBeanRegistrationException | Represents an arbitrary exception thrown during registration of a management bean. |
NotCompliantMBeanException | Thrown when a management bean is passed to a method (e.g. to an MBean server to be registered) and it fails to comply with the specifications for such a bean. |
OperationsException | A general superclass for all exceptions thrown by operations on management beans. |
ReflectionException | Represents one of the reflection exceptions thrown by a management bean. |
RuntimeErrorException | Represents an arbitrary error thrown by a management bean. |
RuntimeMBeanException | Represents an arbitrary runtime exception thrown by a management bean. |
RuntimeOperationsException | Represents a runtime exception thrown by a management bean operation. |
ServiceNotFoundException | Thrown when a requested service is unsupported. |