Frames | No Frames |
Constructors with parameter type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
PrintAttributeException.PrintAttributeException(Class<T>[] unsupportedAttributes, Attribute[] unsupportedValues) Constructs a PrintAttributeException
with the given unsupported attributes and/or values.
| |
PrintAttributeException.PrintAttributeException(Exception e, Class<T>[] unsupportedAttributes, Attribute[] unsupportedValues) Constructs a PrintAttributeException
with the given unsupported attributes and/or values.
| |
PrintAttributeException.PrintAttributeException(String s, Class<T>[] unsupportedAttributes, Attribute[] unsupportedValues) Constructs a PrintAttributeException
with the given unsupported attributes and/or values.
| |
PrintAttributeException.PrintAttributeException(String s, Exception e, Class<T>[] unsupportedAttributes, Attribute[] unsupportedValues) Constructs a PrintAttributeException
with the given unsupported attributes and/or values.
Methods with return type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
Attribute[] |
Constructors with parameter type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
Creates a HashAttributeSet object with the given
attribute in it.
| |
Creates a HashAttributeSet object with the given
attribute in it.
| |
Creates a HashAttributeSet object with the given
attributes in it.
| |
Creates a HashAttributeSet object with the given
attributes in it.
Methods with parameter type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
boolean | Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set
if it is not already present.
boolean | Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set
if it is not already present.
boolean | Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set
if it is not already present.
boolean | Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set
if it is not already present.
boolean | Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set
if it is not already present.
boolean | Adds the specified attribute value to this attribute set
if it is not already present.
boolean | Checks if this attribute set contains the given attribute.
boolean | Checks if this attribute set contains the given attribute.
boolean | Removes the given attribute from the set. |
boolean | Removes the given attribute from the set. |
void | Verifies that the category of attribute is equals to the given category
Methods with return type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
Attribute | AttributeSet.get(Class> category) Returns the attribute object contained in this set for the given attribute
Attribute | HashAttributeSet.get(Class> category) Returns the attribute object contained in this set for the given attribute
Attribute[] | Returns the content of the attribute set as an array
Attribute[] | Returns the content of the attribute set as an array
Attribute | Verifies that the given object is an attribute of the given interface.
Classes implementing javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
class | DetailedStatusMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message
provides a short description of the status of the operation.
class | DocumentAccessError attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message
provides additional information for document access errors.
class | RequestedAttributes specifies the requested
attributes in an IPP request operation.
class | StatusMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message
provides a short description of the status of the operation.
class | UnknownAttribute holds all the parsed Attribute information.
Methods with return type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this SupportedValuesAttribute enum.
Classes implementing javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
class | CopiesDefault provides the default value
for the copies attribute.
class | DocumentFormatDefault specifies the default document
format of a printer.
class | The FinishingsDefault attribute provides the supported
values for finishings of a job.
class | JobHoldUntilDefault attribute provides the default value
for the attribute type job-hold-until.
class | JobPriorityDefault attribute provides the default value of
the printer object for the job-priority attribute.
class | JobSheetsDefault attribute provides the default value of
the printer object for the job-sheets attribute.
class | MediaDefault attribute provides the default value of
the printer object for the media attribute.
class | MultipleDocumentHandlingDefault provides the
default value for the MultipleDocumentHandling attribute.
class | NumberUpDefault attribute provides the default value of
the numper up attribute.
class | The OrientationRequestedDefault attribute provides
the default value for the job attribute orientation-requested.
class | The PrinterResolutionDefault attribute provides
the default value for the job attribute printer-resolution.
class | PrintQualityDefault provides the
default value for the print-quality attribute.
class | SidesDefault provides the
default for the sides attribute.
Methods with return type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Attribute | Returns the equally enum of the standard attribute class
of this DefaultValuesAttribute enum.
Classes implementing javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
class | AttributesCharset attribute as described in RFC 2911 chapter
3.1.4 Character Set and Natural Language Operation Attributes.
class | AttributesNaturalLanguage attribute as described in RFC 2911 chapter
3.1.4 Character Set and Natural Language Operation Attributes.
class | JobDetailedStatusMessages provides additional detailed and
technical job informations.
class | JobDocumentAccessErrors provides additional information
for each access error for print-uri or document-uri jobs.
class | The JobId attribute contains the ID of a
print job created or currently being processed.
class | JobMoreInfo attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.3.4 contains the URI where more information about a job
(e.g. through a HTML page) can be found.
class | JobPrinterUri attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.3.3 contains the URI of the printer which created and
processes a job.
class | JobStateMessage attribute describes information about the
job-state and job-state-reasons in human readable form.
class | JobUri attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.3.1 contains the URI for a job generated by the printer
after a create request.
Methods with parameter type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
void | Add the job attribute of this request to the given
attribute set.
void | Adds the given attribute to the operation attributes set.
void | Sets the printer attribute of this request to the given
attribute set.
boolean | IppPrintService.isAttributeValueSupported(Attribute attrval, DocFlavor flavor, AttributeSet attributes) |
Methods with return type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
Attribute | Instantiates an EnumSyntax based attribute with the given IPP
name and the given value (Enums maybe int or String based).
Attribute | Instantiates an IntegerSyntax based attribute with the
given IPP name for the given int value.
Attribute | Instantiates an TextSyntax based attribute with the given
IPP name for the given text value (will be decoded).
Methods with parameter type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
boolean | PrintService.isAttributeValueSupported(Attribute attrval, DocFlavor flavor, AttributeSet attributes) Determines if a given attribute value is supported when creating a print
job for this print service.
Methods with return type javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
Attribute[] | Returns the unsupported attribute values of printing attributes a specific
print service does support but not the particular provided value.
Classes implementing javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
class | The Chromaticity printing attribute specifies if print data
should be printed in monochrome or color.
class | The ColorSupported printing attribute specifies if a
printing device is capable of color printing.
class | The Compression printing attribute specifies if and how the
supplied print data is compressed.
class | The Copies printing attribute specifies the number
of copies to be printed.
class | The CopiesSupported attribute specifies the supported
value or range of values for the
Copies attribute.
class | The DateTimeAtCompleted attribute specifies the date and
the time at which a print job completed (or was canceled or aborted).
class | The DateTimeAtCreation attribute specifies the
date and the time at which a print job was created.
class | The DateTimeAtProcessing attribute specifies the date
and the time at which a print job started processing.
class | The Destination attribute provides a URI for an alternate
destination of the printing output.
class | The DocumentName printing attribute specifies a document name.
class | The Fidelity attribute specifies how a print job is handled
if the supplied attributes are not fully supported.
class | The Finishings attribute specifies the finishing operations
that the Printer applies to every copy of each printed document in the Job.
class | The JobHoldUntil attribute specifies the date
and the time at which a print job must become a candidate
for printing.
class | The JobImpressions printing attribute specifies
the total size in number of impressions of the documents
of a a print job.
class | The JobImpressionsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of impressions already processed.
class | The JobImpressionsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
JobImpressions attribute.
class | The JobKOctets printing attribute specifies
the total size of all the documents of a print job in K octets.
class | The JobKOctetsProcessed printing attribute reports
the total number of octets already processed in K octets units.
class | The JobKOctetsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
JobKOctets attribute.
class | The JobMediaSheets printing attribute specifies
the total number of media sheets needed by a job.
class | The JobMediaSheetsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of media sheets already processed.
class | The JobMediaSheetsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
JobMediaSheets attribute.
class | The JobMessageFromOperator printing attribute provides
a message from an operator or a system administrator related to the
print job. |
class | The JobName printing attribute provides the name of a
print job for identification.
class | The JobOriginatingUserName attribute specifies the name of
the user which submitted the print job.
class | The JobPriority printing attribute specifies
the priority for scheduling a job on the print service.
class | The JobPrioritySupported printing attribute provides
the supported values for the JobPriority attribute.
class | The JobSheets printing attribute specifies if a
job start/end sheets should be printed.
class | The JobState printing attribute reports
the current state of a job.
class | The JobStateReason attribute provides additional
information about the current state of a job. |
class | The JobStateReasons attribute provides the set of
additional informations available about the current state of a print job.
class | The Media printing attribute specifies which
type of media should be used for printing.
class | MediaName is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of
defined names. |
class | The MediaPrintableArea attribute specifies the area
of a media sheet which is available for printing.
class | The MediaSize printing attribute class specifies the size
of a printing media. |
class | MediaSizeName is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of
defined size names. |
class | MediaTray is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of the
input tray of the printer. |
class | The MultipleDocumentHandling printing attribute controls
how certain printing attributes affect printing in case of multiple
documents in a print job. |
class | The NumberOfDocuments printing attribute specifies
the number of documents in a job.
class | The NumberOfInterveningJobs printing attribute provides
the number of jobs ahead in the print service queue before the
requested job.
class | The NumberUp printing attribute specifies the number of pages
to be arranged upon a single media sheet.
class | The NumberUpSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported value or range of values for the
NumberUp attribute.
class | The OrientationRequested printing attribute specifies
the desired orientation of the print data on the media sheet.
class | The OutputDeviceAssigned printing attribute specifies the
output printer device assigned by a print service to a print job.
class | The PageRanges printing attribute specifies the
range(s) of pages to be printed in a print job.
class | The PagesPerMinute printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed
by the printer.
class | The PagesPerMinuteColor printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed in
color by the printer.
class | The PDLOverrideSupported printing attribute specifies
if a print services is capable of attempting to override document data
instructions with IPP attributesc.
class | The PresentationDirection attribute specifies
a value to be used together with the NumberUp attribute
to indicate the layout of multiple pages on a single media sheet.
class | The PrinterInfo printing attribute provides
informations about a printer device.
class | The PrinterIsAcceptingJobs printing attribute signals
if a print services is currently accepting jobs.
class | The PrinterLocation printing attribute provides the location
of a printer device. |
class | The PrinterMakeAndModel printing attribute provides the name
of the maker and the model of the printer.
class | The PrinterMessageFromOperator printing attribute provides
a message from an operator or a system administrator related to the
printer. |
class | The PrinterMoreInfo attribute provides a URI that can be used
to obtain more information about the printer.
class | The PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer attribute provides a URI that
can be used to obtain more information about the printer device type and
its manufacturer.
class | The PrinterName printing attribute provides the name of a
print service. |
class | The PrinterResolution printing attribute specifies a
resolution supported by a print service or to be used by a print job.
class | The PrinterState printing attribute reports
the current state of the printer device.
class | The PrinterStateReason attribute provides additional
information about the current state of the printer device. |
class | The PrinterStateReasons attribute provides the set of
additional informations available about the current state of the printer
class | The PrinterURI attribute provides the URI of a printer.
class | The PrintQuality printing attribute specifies the
print quality that should be used by the print services for a job.
class | The QueuedJobCount printing attribute reports
the number of jobs currently in the queue. |
class | The ReferenceUriSchemesSupported attribute provides
the supported URI schemes (e.g. ftp) which are supported by the
printer service to be used as uri reference for document data.
class | The RequestingUserName attribute provides the name of
the user which requests the printing of the given job.
class | The Severity printing attribute specifies the severity
for a PrinterStateReason attribute.
class | The SheetCollate printing attribute specifies
whether or not the sheets of each copy in a print job have to be
in sequence.
class | The Sides printing attribute specifies how consecutive
printing pages are arranged on the media sheet.
Classes implementing javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
class | CharsetSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.18 provides the charset which are supported by the
IPP implementation to be used in the name and text syntax
attribute types.
class | CompressionSupported provides the values which are
supported for the compression attribute.
class | DocumentFormatSupported specifies the supported document
formats of a printer. |
class | The FinishingsSupported attribute provides the supported
values for finishings of a job.
class | GeneratedNaturalLanguageSupported attribute as described
in RFC 2911 section 4.4.20 provides the natural languages
which are supported by the IPP implementation to be used
in the name and text syntax attribute types.
class | IppVersionsSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.14 provides the value(s) (implemented as EnumSyntax)
of the supported IPP versions.
class | JobHoldUntilSupported attribute provides the supported
values for the attribute type job-hold-until.
class | JobSheetsSupported attribute provides the supported values
of the job-sheets attribute.
class | MediaSupported attribute provides the keyword values
of the media types supported by the printer object.
class | MultipleDocumentHandlingSupported provides the
supported values for the MultipleDocumentHandling attribute.
class | MultipleDocumentJobsSupported specifies if a printer
supported multiple documents in one job.
class | OperationsSupported specifies the enums of the operations
supported by a given printer or job object. |
class | The OrientationRequestedSupported attribute provides
the supported values for the job attribute orientation-requested.
class | PageRangesSupported is a boolean typed
attribute indicating (as EnumSyntax) if page ranges
are supported.
class | The PrinterResolutionSupported attribute provides
the supported values for the job attribute printer-resolution.
class | PrinterUriSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.1 contains one of the URIs the printer supported for
job processing (e.g. one with authentication).
class | PrintQualitySupported provides the
supported values for the print-quality attribute.
class | SidesSupported provides the
supported values for the sides attribute.
class | UriAuthenticationSupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.2 provides the keywords (implemented as EnumSyntax) which
authentication methods are supported by the printer object. |
class | UriSecuritySupported attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.3 provides the keywords (implemented as EnumSyntax) for
the security mechanisms supported by the corresponding uri's
supported (same place in setOf).
Classes implementing javax.print.attribute.Attribute | |
class | CharsetConfigured attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.17 provides the charset which is configured by the
server to be used in the name and text syntax attribute types.
class | DocumentFormatSupported specifies the supported document
formats of a printer. |
class | MultipleOperationTimeOut attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.31 provides the minimum time ins second a printer object waits
before time out and recovery. |
class | NaturalLanguageConfigured attribute as described in RFC 2911
section 4.4.19 provides the natural language which is configured
by the server to be used in the name and text syntax attribute types.
class | PrinterCurrentTime attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.30 provides the current time of the print service.
class | PrinterDriverInstaller attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.81 provides the URI where a printer driver installer
can be found.
class | PrinterStateMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.13 provides a textual representation of the attributes
printer-state and printer-state-reasons for consumption by
class | PrinterUpTime attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.29 provides the uptime of the printer object. |