Uses of Interface javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute

Uses in package javax.print.attribute

Constructors with parameter type javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute

Creates a HashDocAttributeSet object with the given attribute in it.
Creates a HashDocAttributeSet object with the given attributes in it.

Uses in package javax.print.attribute.standard

Classes implementing javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute

The Chromaticity printing attribute specifies if print data should be printed in monochrome or color.
The Compression printing attribute specifies if and how the supplied print data is compressed.
The DocumentName printing attribute specifies a document name.
The Finishings attribute specifies the finishing operations that the Printer applies to every copy of each printed document in the Job.
The Media printing attribute specifies which type of media should be used for printing.
MediaName is a subclass of the Media printing attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of defined names.
The MediaPrintableArea attribute specifies the area of a media sheet which is available for printing.
MediaSizeName is a subclass of the Media printing attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of defined size names.
MediaTray is a subclass of the Media printing attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of the input tray of the printer.
The NumberUp printing attribute specifies the number of pages to be arranged upon a single media sheet.
The OrientationRequested printing attribute specifies the desired orientation of the print data on the media sheet.
The PageRanges printing attribute specifies the range(s) of pages to be printed in a print job.
The PrinterResolution printing attribute specifies a resolution supported by a print service or to be used by a print job.
The PrintQuality printing attribute specifies the print quality that should be used by the print services for a job.
The SheetCollate printing attribute specifies whether or not the sheets of each copy in a print job have to be in sequence.
The Sides printing attribute specifies how consecutive printing pages are arranged on the media sheet.