Frames | No Frames |
Methods with parameter type javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax | |
boolean | Checks if this set contains the given value.
Classes derived from javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax | |
class | The JobId attribute contains the ID of a
print job created or currently being processed.
Classes derived from javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax | |
class | CopiesDefault provides the default value
for the copies attribute.
class | JobPriorityDefault attribute provides the default value of
the printer object for the job-priority attribute.
class | NumberUpDefault attribute provides the default value of
the numper up attribute.
Classes derived from javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax | |
class | MultipleOperationTimeOut attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.31 provides the minimum time ins second a printer object waits
before time out and recovery. |
class | PrinterUpTime attribute as described in RFC 2911 section
4.4.29 provides the uptime of the printer object. |
Classes derived from javax.print.attribute.IntegerSyntax | |
class | The Copies printing attribute specifies the number
of copies to be printed.
class | The JobImpressions printing attribute specifies
the total size in number of impressions of the documents
of a a print job.
class | The JobImpressionsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of impressions already processed.
class | The JobKOctets printing attribute specifies
the total size of all the documents of a print job in K octets.
class | The JobKOctetsProcessed printing attribute reports
the total number of octets already processed in K octets units.
class | The JobMediaSheets printing attribute specifies
the total number of media sheets needed by a job.
class | The JobMediaSheetsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of media sheets already processed.
class | The JobPriority printing attribute specifies
the priority for scheduling a job on the print service.
class | The JobPrioritySupported printing attribute provides
the supported values for the JobPriority attribute.
class | The NumberOfDocuments printing attribute specifies
the number of documents in a job.
class | The NumberOfInterveningJobs printing attribute provides
the number of jobs ahead in the print service queue before the
requested job.
class | The NumberUp printing attribute specifies the number of pages
to be arranged upon a single media sheet.
class | The PagesPerMinute printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed
by the printer.
class | The PagesPerMinuteColor printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed in
color by the printer.
class | The QueuedJobCount printing attribute reports
the number of jobs currently in the queue. |