Package javax.print.attribute

Interface Summary

Attribute Base interface of every printing attribute of the Java Print Service API.
AttributeSet AttributeSet is the top-level interface for sets of printing attributes in the Java Print Service API.
DocAttribute Marker interface for all attribute classes describing attributes of a Doc object.
DocAttributeSet DocAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only allows printing attributes of type DocAttribute.
PrintJobAttribute Marker interface for all attribute classes describing attributes or the status of a (DocPrintJob object.
PrintJobAttributeSet PrintJobAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only allows printing attributes of type PrintJobAttribute.
PrintRequestAttribute Marker interface for all attribute classes which specify a requested attribute of DocPrintJob object.
PrintRequestAttributeSet PrintRequestAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only allows printing attributes of type PrintRequestAttribute.
PrintServiceAttribute Marker interface for all attribute classes describing parameters or the status of a PrintService.
PrintServiceAttributeSet PrintServiceAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only allows printing attributes of type PrintServiceAttribute.
SupportedValuesAttribute Marker interface for all attribute classes specifying the supported/allowed values for another printing attribute class.

Class Summary

AttributeSetUtilities AttributeSetUtilities provides static methods for working with AttributeSets.
DateTimeSyntax DateTimeSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes having a date and a time as value.
EnumSyntax EnumSyntax is the abstract base class of all enumeration classes in the Java Print Service API.
HashAttributeSet HashAttributeSet provides an implementation of AttributeSet.
HashDocAttributeSet HashDocAttributeSet provides an implementation of DocAttributeSet.
HashPrintJobAttributeSet HashPrintJobAttributeSet provides an implementation of PrintJobAttributeSet.
HashPrintRequestAttributeSet HashPrintRequestAttributeSet provides an implementation of PrintRequestAttributeSet.
HashPrintServiceAttributeSet HashPrintServiceAttributeSet provides an implementation of PrintServiceAttributeSet.
IntegerSyntax IntegerSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes having an integer as value.
ResolutionSyntax ResolutionSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes which provide a resolution as value (e.g. printer resolution).
SetOfIntegerSyntax SetOfIntegerSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes which provide a set of non-negative integers as value (e.g. the page ranges to print) represented as single values or ranges of values.
Size2DSyntax Size2DSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes which provide a two dimensional size as value (e.g. the size of a media like Letter or A4).
TextSyntax TextSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes which provide a string as value (e.g. the location of the printer).
URISyntax URISyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes having an Uniform Resource Identifier URI as value.

Exception Summary

UnmodifiableSetException Exception which is thrown if an operation on an unmodifiable set is invoked.