Uses of Class javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

Uses in package gnu.javax.sound.sampled.gstreamer.lines

Constructors with parameter type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

GstDataLine.GstDataLine(AudioFormat format, int bufferSize)

Methods with parameter type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

Open the line, given the desired audio format.
Open the line, given the desired audio format and the buffer size.

Methods with return type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat


Uses in package javax.sound.sampled

Constructors with parameter type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

AudioFileFormat.AudioFileFormat(AudioFileFormat.Type type, int byteLen, AudioFormat fmt, int frameLen)
Create a new AudioFileFormat given the type, the byte length, the format, and the frame length.
Create a new AudioFileFormat given the type, the format, and the frame length.
AudioFileFormat.AudioFileFormat(AudioFileFormat.Type type, AudioFormat fmt, int frameLen, Map properties)
Create a new AudioFileFormat given the type, the format, the frame length, and some properties.
Create a new AudioInputStream given an underlying InputStream, the audio format, and the length of the data in frames.
DataLine.Info.Info(Class klass, AudioFormat fmt)
Create a new Info given the line's class and a supported audio format.
DataLine.Info.Info(Class klass, AudioFormat fmt, int size)
Create a new Info given the line's class, a supported audio format, and a buffer size.
DataLine.Info.Info(Class klass, AudioFormat[] fmts, int minSize, int maxSize)
Create a new Info given the line's class, the supported audio formats, the minimum buffer size, and the maximum buffer size.

Fields of type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

The format of the audio stream.

Methods with parameter type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

Given an audio input stream, this will try to create a new audio input stream whose format matches the given target format.
Return a source data line matching the given audio format.
Return a target data line matching the given audio format.
Find and return a target data line matching the given audio format.
Return a target data line matching the given audio format and mixer.
Given a source format, return an array of all the target encodings to which data in this format can be converted.
Given a target encoding and a source audio format, return an array of all matching audio formats to which data in this source format can be converted.
Return true if the currently installed providers are able to convert the given source format to the given target format.
Return true if the currently installed providers are able to convert data from the given source format to the given target encoding.
Return true if the indicated audio format is supported by this Info, false otherwise.
Return true if this audio format matches another.
Open the line, given the desired audio format.
Open the line using the indicated audio format.
void fmt, byte[] data, int offset, int len)
Open a clip, given an audio format and some data.
Open the line, given the desired audio format and the buffer size.
Open the line using the indicated audio format and buffer size.

Methods with return type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

Return the AudioFormat associated with this file format.
Get the format associated with this stream.
Return the current format of the data associated with this DataLine.
Return the supported audio formats.
Given a target encoding and a source audio format, return an array of all matching audio formats to which data in this source format can be converted.

Uses in package javax.sound.sampled.spi

Methods with parameter type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

Return an audio input stream given the desired target format and another audio input stream.
Return an array of all the target encodings that are available for a given source format.
Return a array of all the target formats that match given target encoding, and to which this provider can convert the source format.
Return true if this provider supports conversions from the given source format to the given target format.
Return true if this provider supports conversion from the given source format to the given target encoding.

Methods with return type javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

Return a array of all the target formats that match given target encoding, and to which this provider can convert the source format.