AbstractBorder | An invisible zero-width border, serving as a base class for
implementing more interesting borders.
BevelBorder | A rectangular, two pixel thick border that causes the enclosed area
to appear as if it was raising out of or lowered into the screen. |
CompoundBorder | A Border that is composed of an interior and an exterior border,
where the interior border is tightly nested into the exterior.
EmptyBorder | A border for leaving a specifiable number of pixels empty around
the enclosed component. |
EtchedBorder | A border that looks like an engraving etched into the background
surface, or (in its raised variant) coming out of the surface
plane. |
LineBorder | A border that consists of a line whose thickness and color can be
specified. |
MatteBorder | A border that is filled with either a solid color or with repeated
icon tiles.
SoftBevelBorder | A rectangular, three pixel thick border that looks like a BevelBorder
with slightly softened corners.
TitledBorder | A border that paints a title on top of another border.