Package javax.swing

Interface Summary

Action Provides a convenient central point of control for some task that can be triggered by more than one control in a Swing user interface (for example, a menu item and a toolbar button).
BoundedRangeModel The data model that represents a range that is constrained to fit within specified bounds.
ButtonModel The data model that is used in all kinds of buttons.
CellEditor Provides edit capabilities for components that display cells like JTable, JList and JTree.
ComboBoxEditor Provides edit capabilities for JComboBoxes.
ComboBoxModel The data model for a JComboBox.
DesktopManager DesktopManagers are responsible for implementing the behaviours for the JInternalFrames that belong to JDesktopPanes.
Icon Defines the methods that an object must implement if it should be used as an icon in Swing.
JComboBox.KeySelectionManager Classes implementing this interface are responsible for matching key characters typed by the user with combo box's items.
ListCellRenderer Renders the cells of a JList.
ListModel The data model that is typically used in JList.
ListSelectionModel A model that tracks the selection status of a list of items.
MenuElement Defines the methods that any menu element in a JMenu must implement.
MutableComboBoxModel A data model used in JComboBoxes that keeps track of the components data and provides methods to insert and remove elements from it.
Renderer This interface is not used and exists only for compatibility.
RootPaneContainer Components that contain a single JRootPane as only child implement this interface, typically this is implemented by the Swing top-level containers.
Scrollable Defines the method that a component should implement to behave nicely in JScrollPanes.
ScrollPaneConstants Defines some constants that are used in JScrollPane and related components.
SingleSelectionModel A data model that is used in components that support at most one selected element, like JTabbedPane, JMenu and JPopupMenu.
SpinnerModel The data model that is used in JSpinners.
SwingConstants Defines constant values that are used throughout the Swing packages.
UIDefaults.ActiveValue Used for lazy instantiation of UIDefaults values so that they are not all loaded when a Swing application starts up, but only the values that are really needed.
UIDefaults.LazyValue Used for lazy instantiation of UIDefaults values so that they are not all loaded when a Swing application starts up, but only the values that are really needed.
WindowConstants Defines some constants that are used in Swing's top-level containers.

Class Summary

AbstractAction A base class for implementing the Action interface.
AbstractButton Provides an abstract implementation of common button behaviour, data model and look & feel.
AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton A Java Accessibility extension of the AbstractButton.
AbstractButton.ButtonChangeListener An extension of ChangeListener to be serializable.
AbstractCellEditor An abstract superclass for table and tree cell editors.
AbstractListModel Provides standard implementations of some methods in ListModel.
AbstractSpinnerModel Provides standard implementations for some of the methods in SpinnerModel.
ActionMap Maps arbitrary keys (usually Strings) to Action instances.
BorderFactory A factory for commonly used borders.
Box A component that uses a BoxLayout as Layout Manager.
Box.AccessibleBox Provides accessibility support for Boxes.
Box.Filler A component that servers as a filler in BoxLayout controlled containers.
Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller Provides accessibility support for Box.Filler.
BoxLayout A layout that stacks the children of a container in a Box, either horizontally or vertically.
ButtonGroup Logically groups a set of buttons, so that only one of the buttons in a ButtonGroup can be selected at the same time.
CellRendererPane Paints the cells of JList, JTable and JTree.
CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane Provides accessibility support for CellRendererPanes.
ComponentInputMap An InputMap that is associated with a particular JComponent.
DebugGraphics An extension of Graphics that can be used for debugging custom Swing widgets.
DefaultBoundedRangeModel The default implementation of BoundedRangeModel.
DefaultButtonModel The default implementation of ButtonModel.
DefaultCellEditor The default implementation of TableCellEditor and TreeCellEditor.
DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate This changeable module access the editor component in the component specific way.
DefaultComboBoxModel A model that stores a list of elements and a selected item (which may be null).
DefaultDesktopManager The default implementation of DesktopManager for Swing.
DefaultFocusManager This class has been obsoleted by the new KeyboardFocusManager and DefaultKeyboardFocusManager API.
DefaultListCellRenderer The default implementation ListCellRenderer.
DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource Subclasses DefaultListCellRenderers and implements UIResource.
DefaultListModel The default implementation of AbstractListModel, used by JList and similar objects as the model of a list of values.
DefaultListSelectionModel The default implementation of ListSelectionModel, which is used by JList and similar classes to manage the selection status of a number of data elements.
DefaultSingleSelectionModel The default implementation of SingleSelectionModel, used in JTabbedPane, JMenuBar and JPopupMenu.
FocusManager This class has been obsoleted by the new KeyboardFocusManager and DefaultKeyboardFocusManager API.
GrayFilter Produces grayscale images out of colored images.
ImageIcon An Icon implementation that is backed by an Image.
ImageIcon.AccessibleImageIcon Provides the accessibility features for the ImageIcon class.
InputMap Maps KeyStrokes to arbitrary objects, usually Strings.
InputVerifier Verifies the user input on a component before the focus is shifted.
InternalFrameFocusTraversalPolicy A FocusTraversalPolicy that provides the additional capability to determine a JInternalFrame's initially focused component when it is selected.
JApplet A top-level container that is usually used in web browsers.
JApplet.AccessibleJApplet Provides accessibility support for JApplet.
JButton A general purpose push button.
JButton.AccessibleJButton Accessibility support for JButtons.
JCheckBox A small box that displays a check or not, depending on it's selected state.
JCheckBox.AccessibleJCheckBox Provides accessibility support for JCheckBox.
JCheckBoxMenuItem A menu item that displays a checkbox.
JCheckBoxMenuItem.AccessibleJCheckBoxMenuItem Provides the accessibility features for the JCheckBoxMenuItem component.
JColorChooser A Swing widget that offers users different ways to select a color.
JColorChooser.AccessibleJColorChooser Accessibility support for JColorChooser.
JComboBox A component that allows a user to select any item in its list and displays the selected item to the user.
JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox Accessibility support for JComboBox.
JComponent The base class of all Swing components.
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent Basic accessibility support for JComponent derived widgets.
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.AccessibleContainerHandler Receives notification if there are child components are added or removed from the JComponent and fires appropriate PropertyChangeEvents to interested listeners on the AccessibleJComponent.
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.AccessibleFocusHandler Receives notification if the focus on the JComponent changes and fires appropriate PropertyChangeEvents to listeners registered with the AccessibleJComponent.
JDesktopPane JDesktopPane is a container (usually for JInternalFrames) that simulates a desktop.
JDesktopPane.AccessibleJDesktopPane Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopPane component.
JDialog A dialog window.
JDialog.AccessibleJDialog Provides accessibility support for JDialogs.
JEditorPane A powerful text editor component that can handle different types of content.
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPane Provides accessibility support for JEditorPane.
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML Provides accessibility support for JEditorPanes, when the editor kit is an instance of HTMLEditorKit.
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport This is the accessible text that is returned by JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML.getAccessibleText().
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport.HTMLLink The accessible representation of a HTML link.
JFileChooser A component that provides the user a dialog box to browse through a filesystem and choose one or more files or directories.
JFileChooser.AccessibleJFileChooser Provides the accessibility features for the JFileChooser component.
JFormattedTextField A text field that makes use of a formatter to display and edit a specific type of data.
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter An abstract base implementation for a formatter that can be used by a JTextField.
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory Delivers instances of an JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter for a specific value type for a JFormattedTextField.
JFrame A window that supports window decorations (titlebar and borders).
JFrame.AccessibleJFrame Provides accessibility support for JFrames.
JInternalFrame This class implements a Swing widget that looks and acts like a native frame.
JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame Provides the accessibility features for the JInternalFrame component.
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon This class represents the JInternalFrame while it is iconified.
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopIcon component.
JLabel A component that displays a static text message and/or an icon.
JLabel.AccessibleJLabel Provides the accessibility features for the JLabel component.
JLayeredPane A container that adds depth to the usual Container semantics.
JLayeredPane.AccessibleJLayeredPane Provides accessibility support for JLayeredPane.
JList This class is a facade over three separate objects: ListModel, ListSelectionModel and ListUI.
JList.AccessibleJList Provides accessibility support for JList.
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild Provides accessibility support for list elements in JLists.
JMenu This class represents a menu that can be added to a menu bar or can be a submenu in some other menu.
JMenu.AccessibleJMenu Implements support for assisitive technologies for JMenu.
JMenuBar JMenuBar is a container for menu's.
JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar Provides accessibility support for JMenuBar.
JMenuItem JMenuItem represents element in the menu.
JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem Provides the accessibility features for the JMenuItem component.
JOptionPane This class creates different types of JDialogs and JInternalFrames that can ask users for input or pass on information.
JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane Provides the accessibility features for the JOptionPane component.
JPanel An instance of JPanel can be added to a panel, frame etc
JPanel.AccessibleJPanel Provides accessibility support for JPanel.
JPasswordField class JPasswordField
JPasswordField.AccessibleJPasswordField AccessibleJPasswordField
JPopupMenu JPopupMenu is a container that is used to display popup menu's menu items.
JPopupMenu.Separator This is the separator that can be used in popup menu.
JProgressBar A component that displays a visual indicator of the progress of a task.
JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar Provides the accessibility features for the JProgressBar component.
JRadioButton The JRadioButton component provides a visually selectable button with mutually exclusive behaviour within a ButtonGroup.
JRadioButton.AccessibleJRadioButton This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button.
JRadioButtonMenuItem This class represents JRadioButtonMenuItem.
JRadioButtonMenuItem.AccessibleJRadioButtonMenuItem Provides the accessibility features for the JRadioButtonMenuItem component.
JRootPane This class is where JComponents are added to.
JScrollBar The JScrollBar.
JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar Provides the accessibility features for the JScrollBar component.
JScrollPane A component that embeds another component and enables it to be scrolled both in horizontal and vertical direction.
JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane Provides accessibility support for the JScrollPane.
JSeparator The JSeparator.
JSeparator.AccessibleJSeparator Provides the accessibility features for the JSeparator component.
JSlider A visual component that allows selection of a value within a range by adjusting a thumb in a track.
JSlider.AccessibleJSlider Provides the accessibility features for the JSlider component.
JSpinner A JSpinner is a component that displays a single value from a sequence of values, and provides a convenient means for selecting the previous and next values in the sequence.
JSpinner.DateEditor An editor class for a JSpinner that is used for displaying and editing dates (e.g. that uses SpinnerDateModel as model).
JSpinner.DefaultEditor The base class for the editor used by the JSpinner component.
JSpinner.ListEditor A JSpinner editor used for the SpinnerListModel.
JSpinner.NumberEditor A panel containing a JFormattedTextField that is configured for displaying and editing numbers.
JSplitPane This class implements JSplitPane.
JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane Provides the accessibility features for the JSplitPane component.
JTabbedPane This is a container for components where only one component is displayed at a given time and the displayed component can be switched by clicking on tabs.
JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane Accessibility support for JTabbedPane.
JTabbedPane.ModelListener A helper class that listens for changes to the model.
JTable The table component, displaying information, organized in rows and columns.
JTable.AccessibleJTable Provides accessibility support for JTable.
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell Provides accessibility support for table cells.
JTextArea The JTextArea component provides a multi-line area for displaying and editing plain text.
JTextArea.AccessibleJTextArea Provides accessibility support for JTextArea.
JTextField.AccessibleJTextField AccessibleJTextField
JTextPane A powerful text component that supports styled content as well as embedding images and components.
JToggleButton The JToggleButton component provides a stateful button, which can be either selected or unselected.
JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button.
JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel The model handles the storage and maintenance of the state of the toggle button.
JToolBar JToolBar is a component that provides a toolbar to Swing programs.
JToolBar.AccessibleJToolBar Provides the accessibility features for the JToolBar component.
JToolBar.Separator This is an extension of JSeparator used in toolbars.
JToolTip This class is used to display ToolTips.
JToolTip.AccessibleJToolTip Provides the accessibility features for the JToolTip component.
JTree.AccessibleJTree This class implements accessibility support for the JTree class.
JTree.EmptySelectionModel A TreeModel that does not allow anything to be selected.
JTree.TreeModelHandler Listens to the model of the JTree and updates the property expandedState if nodes are removed or changed.
JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector This redirects TreeSelectionEvents and rewrites the source of it to be this JTree.
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode This class implements accessibility support for the JTree child.
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JViewport.AccessibleJViewport Provides accessibility support for JViewport.
JViewport.ViewListener A ComponentListener that listens for changes of the view's size.
JWindow Unlike JComponent derivatives, JWindow inherits from java.awt.Window.
JWindow.AccessibleJWindow Provides accessibility support for JWindow.
LookAndFeel A look-and-feel controls most aspects of the appearance and operation of user interface components in javax.swing.
MenuSelectionManager This class manages current menu selectection.
OverlayLayout A layout manager that lays out the components of a container one over another.
Popup Manages a popup window that displays a Component on top of everything else.
PopupFactory A factory for Popup objects.
ProgressMonitor Using this class you can easily monitor tasks where you cannot estimate the duration exactly.

A ProgressMonitor instance waits until the first time setProgress is called.

ProgressMonitorInputStream An input stream with a ProgressMonitor.
RepaintManager The repaint manager holds a set of dirty regions, invalid components, and a double buffer surface.
ScrollPaneLayout ScrollPaneLayout
SizeRequirements This class calculates information about the size and position requirements of components.
SizeSequence A sequence of values that represent the dimensions (widths or heights) of some collection of items (for example, the widths of the columns in a table).
SpinnerDateModel A date model used by the JSpinner component.
SpinnerListModel An implementation of SpinnerModel which uses the values contained within a list or an array.
SpinnerNumberModel A model used by the JSpinner component.
Spring Calculates the space between component edges, that are layed out by SpringLayout.
SpringLayout A very flexible layout manager.
SpringLayout.Constraints The constraints that define the relationships between components.
SwingUtilities A number of static utility functions which are useful when drawing swing components, dispatching events, or calculating regions which need painting.
Timer Fires one or more action events after the specified delay.
ToolTipManager This class is responsible for the registration of JToolTips to Components and for displaying them when appropriate.
ToolTipManager.insideTimerAction This ActionListener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether it is time for the JToolTip to be displayed after the mouse has entered the JComponent.
ToolTipManager.outsideTimerAction This Actionlistener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether the mouse cursor has re-entered the JComponent in time for an immediate redisplay of the JToolTip.
ToolTipManager.stillInsideTimerAction This ActionListener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether the JToolTip can be hidden after four seconds.
UIDefaults UIDefaults is a database where all settings and interface bindings are stored into.
UIManager Manages the current LookAndFeel and any auxiliary LookAndFeel instances.
UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo Represents the basic information about a LookAndFeel (LAF), so that a list of installed LAFs can be presented without actually loading the LAF class(es).
ViewportLayout The default layout for JViewport.

Exception Summary

UnsupportedLookAndFeelException Thrown by the UIManager.setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel) method when the specified look and feel is not supported on the current platform.