Package javax.swing.plaf.multi

Class Summary

MultiButtonUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ButtonUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiColorChooserUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ColorChooserUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiComboBoxUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ComboBoxUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiDesktopIconUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple DesktopIconUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiDesktopPaneUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple DesktopPaneUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiFileChooserUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple FileChooserUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiInternalFrameUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple InternalFrameUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiLabelUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple LabelUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiListUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ListUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiLookAndFeel A look and feel that provides the ability to use auxiliary look and feels in addition to the primary look and feel.
MultiMenuBarUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple MenuBarUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiMenuItemUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple MenuItemUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiOptionPaneUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple OptionPaneUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiPanelUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple PanelUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiPopupMenuUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple PopupMenuUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiProgressBarUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ProgressBarUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiRootPaneUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple RootPaneUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiScrollBarUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ScrollBarUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiScrollPaneUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ScrollPaneUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiSeparatorUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple MultiSeparatorUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiSliderUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple SliderUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiSpinnerUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple SpinnerUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiSplitPaneUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple SplitPaneUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiTabbedPaneUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple TabbedPaneUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiTableHeaderUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple TableHeaderUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiTableUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple TableUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiTextUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple TextUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiToolBarUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ToolBarUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiToolTipUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ToolTipUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiTreeUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple TreeUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).
MultiViewportUI A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple ViewportUI instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s).