Uses of Interface javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Uses in package javax.swing.event

Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Constructor TableColumnModelEvent

Uses in package javax.swing.table

Classes implementing javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

A model that stores information about the columns used in a JTable.

Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Creates a new header.

Fields of type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

The columnModel property.

Methods with parameter type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Set the value of the columnModel property.

Methods with return type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Creates a default table column model.
Get the value of the columnModel property.

Uses in package javax.swing

Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Creates a new JTable instance, using the given model object that provides information about the table content.
Creates a new JTable instance, providing data model, column model and list selection model.

Fields of type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

A model of various aspects of the columns of the table, not including the data stored in them.

Methods with parameter type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Set the value of the columnModel property.

Unregister this as a TableColumnModelListener from previous columnModel and register it with new parameter c.

Methods with return type javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel

Create the default table column model that is used if the user-defined column model is not provided.
Get the value of the columnModel property.