Frames | No Frames |
Methods which throw type javax.swing.text.BadLocationException | |
void | Writes out the comment.
void | Writes out an empty tag. i.e. a tag without any child elements.
void | This is the last method called on the HTMLReader, allowing any pending
changes to be flushed to the HTMLDocument.
void | The parser calls this method after it finishes parsing the document.
void | Inserts the string after the end of the given element.
void | Inserts the string at the start of the element.
void | Inserts the string at the end of the element. |
void | Inserts the string before the start of the given element. |
void | HTMLEditorKit.insertHTML(HTMLDocument doc, int offset, String html, int popDepth, int pushDepth, HTML.Tag insertTag) Inserts HTML into an existing document.
Shape | This is currently implemented always to return the area of the image view,
as the image is not divideable by character positions.
void | Inserts content from the given stream. |
void | Replaces the children of the given element with the contents of
the string. |
void | Replaces the given element in the parent with the string. |
void | Writes out a start tag. |
void | Writes out text, within the appropriate range if it is specified.
void | |
void | Writes out the contents of a textarea.
void | Call this method to start outputing HTML.
void | Write the entire HTML document.
void | Writes content from a document to the given stream in
an appropriate format.
void | Writes the body of the HTML document.
void | Writes the content of an element.
Methods which throw type javax.swing.text.BadLocationException | |
int | BasicTextUI.getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent t, int pos, Position.Bias b, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) Gets the next position inside the document model that is visible on
screen, starting from pos .
Rectangle | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Rectangle | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Methods which throw type javax.swing.text.BadLocationException | |
int | TextUI.getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent tc, int pos, Position.Bias bias, int direction, Position.Bias[] outBias) Calculates the caret position that is visually next to the given
position. |
Rectangle | Calculates the geometric extent of the character at the
given offset.
Rectangle | Calculates the geometric extent of the character at the
given offset.
Methods which throw type javax.swing.text.BadLocationException | |
void | Reads RTF data from stream into doc at the
specified position pos .
void | Reads RTF data from reader into doc at the
specified position pos .
Methods which throw type javax.swing.text.BadLocationException | |
int | MultiTextUI.getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent tc, int pos, Position.Bias bias, int direction, Position.Bias[] outBias) Calls the TextUI.getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent,int,Position.Bias,int,Position.Bias[]) method for all
the UI delegates managed by this MultiTextUI ,
returning the position for the UI delegate from the primary look and
Rectangle | Calls the TextUI.modelToView(JTextComponent,int) method for all
the UI delegates managed by this MultiTextUI ,
returning the bounds for the UI delegate from the primary look and
Rectangle | Calls the TextUI.modelToView(JTextComponent,int,Position.Bias)
method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTextUI ,
returning the bounds for the UI delegate from the primary look and
Methods which throw type javax.swing.text.BadLocationException | |
int | JTextArea.getLineEndOffset(int line) |
int | JTextArea.getLineOfOffset(int offset) |
int | JTextArea.getLineStartOffset(int line) |
String | JPasswordField.getText(int offset, int length) Fetches a portion of the text represented by the component.
Methods which throw type javax.swing.text.BadLocationException | |
Object | |
Object | |
void | |
void | |
Position | AbstractDocument.createPosition(int offset) Creates a Position that keeps track of the location at the
specified offset .
Position | AbstractDocument.Content.createPosition(int offset) Creates a Position that keeps track of the location at
offset .
Position | Document.createPosition(int offs) Creates a mark in the character content at the specified offset.
Position | GapContent.createPosition(int offset) Creates and returns a mark at the specified position.
Position | StringContent.createPosition(int offset) Creates a position reference for the character at the given offset. |
int | Draws selected text at a given position.
int | |
int | Renders the range of text as selected text. |
int | Draws unselected text at a given position.
int | Draws a chunk of unselected text.
int | Renders the range of text as normal unhighlighted text.
void | Fetches a piece of content and stores it in txt .
void | Fetches a piece of content and stores it in a Segment object.
void | Updates txt to contain a direct reference to the underlying
character array.
int | ParagraphView.getClosestPositionTo(int pos, Position.Bias bias, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet, int rowIndex, int x) |
int | CompositeView.getNextEastWestVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) Returns the next model location that is visible in east or west
int | CompositeView.getNextNorthSouthVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) Returns the next model location that is visible in north or south
int | CompositeView.getNextVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) Returns the next model location that is visible in eiter north / south
direction or east / west direction. |
int | GlyphView.getNextVisualPositionFrom(int pos, Position.Bias bias, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) Returns the model location that should be used to place a caret when
moving the caret through the document.
int | Returns the document position that is (visually) nearest to the given
document position pos in the given direction d .
int | GlyphView.GlyphPainter.getNextVisualPositionFrom(GlyphView v, int pos, Position.Bias b, Shape a, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) Returns the model location that should be used to place a caret when
moving the caret through the document.
int | NavigationFilter.getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent c, int pos, Position.Bias bias, int dir, Position.Bias[] retBias) Returns the next visual position in the specified direction at which one
would place a caret. |
int | Finds the start of the next word for the given offset.
int | Returns the document position that is closest above to the specified x
coordinate in the row containing offset .
int | Returns the document position that is closest below to the specified x
coordinate in the row containing offset .
int | Finds the start of the previous word for the given offset.
int | Get the model position of the end of the row that contains the
specified model position. |
int | Get the model position of the start of the row that contains the specified
model position. |
String | AbstractDocument.Content.getString(int where, int len) Returns a piece of content.
String | GapContent.getString(int where, int len) Returns a piece of content as String.
String | StringContent.getString(int where, int len) Returns a new String containing the characters in the
specified range.
String | AbstractDocument.getText(int offset, int length) Returns a piece of this Document 's content.
String | Returns the textual content starting at offset with
a length of length .
String | JTextComponent.getText(int offset, int length) Retrieves a part of the current text in this document.
void | Fetches a piece of this Document 's content and stores
it in the given Segment .
void | Fetch the textual content starting at offset with
a length of length and store it in txt .
String | Return the text of the Document that is associated with the given
Element. |
int | Finds the end of a word for the given location.
int | Finds the start of a word for the given location.
void | Inserts a bulk of structured content at once.
UndoableEdit | Inserts a string into the content model.
UndoableEdit | Inserts a string at the specified position.
UndoableEdit | Inserts str at the given position and returns an
UndoableEdit that enables undo/redo support.
void | Inserts a String into this Document at the specified
position and assigning the specified attributes to it.
void | Inserts a piece of text with an AttributeSet at the specified
offset .
void | |
void | Inserts a string into the document. |
void | DocumentFilter.insertString(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, String string, AttributeSet attr) |
Rectangle | JTextComponent.modelToView(int position) |
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a model location to view coordinates.
Shape | Maps the document model position pos to a Shape
in the view coordinate space. |
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space to the
coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
Shape | |
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a region in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a region in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
Shape | Maps a position in the document into the coordinate space of the View.
void | Reads a document of the supported content type from an InputStream
into the actual Document object.
void | |
void | |
void | |
void | AbstractDocument.remove(int offset, int length) Removes a piece of content from this Document .
UndoableEdit | AbstractDocument.Content.remove(int where, int nitems) Removes a piece of content from the content model.
void | Removes a piece of content.
void | DocumentFilter.FilterBypass.remove(int offset, int length) |
UndoableEdit | GapContent.remove(int where, int nitems) Removes a piece of content at th specified position.
UndoableEdit | StringContent.remove(int where, int nitems) Removes the specified range of characters and returns an
UndoableEdit that enables undo/redo support.
void | |
void | Replaces a piece of content in this Document with
another piece of content.
void | |
void | DocumentFilter.replace(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, int length, String text, AttributeSet attr) |
void | Output the text of the indicated Element, properly clipping it to
the range of the Document specified when the AbstractWriter was
void | This method must be overridden by a concrete subclass. |
void | Writes the Document (or a fragment of the
Document ) to an OutputStream in the
supported content type format.
void | |
void | Writes the Document (or a fragment of the
Document ) to a Writer in the
supported content type format.
void |