Frames | No Frames |
Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
Creates a new Parser that uses the given
DTD . | |
Create a parameterDefaulter that looks for the default attribute
values in the given DTD.
Fields of type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
DTD | The document template description that will be used to parse the documents.
Classes derived from javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
class |
The class is derived from gnu.javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD
making structure creation methods public. |
class | This class represents the java implementation of the HTML 4.01
( -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN ) Frameset version. |
Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
Create the parser that uses the given DTD to parse the document.
| |
Creates a new tag stack, using the given DTD.
Fields of type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
DTD | The DTD, providing information about the valid document structure.
Methods with return type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
DTD | Either takes the document (by name) from DTD table, or
creates a new instance and registers it in the tabe.
Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
Methods with parameter type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
node | Transform into internal representation.
Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
Create parser using the given DTD.
Constructors with parameter type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
Creates a new parser that uses the given DTD to access data on the
possible tokens, arguments and syntax. | |
Creates a new parser that uses the given DTD to access data on the
possible tokens, arguments and syntax. |
Fields of type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
DTD | The document template description that will be used to parse the documents.
Methods with parameter type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
DTD | Registers the user - written DTD under the given name, also
making it default for the subsequent parsings. |
void | Place this DTD into the DTD table. |
Methods with return type javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD | |
DTD | Registers the user - written DTD under the given name, also
making it default for the subsequent parsings. |
DTD | Get this DTD by name. |