Package javax.swing.undo

Interface Summary

StateEditable The interface for objects whose state can be undone or redone by a StateEdit action.
UndoableEdit An editing operation that supports undo/redoability.

Class Summary

AbstractUndoableEdit A default implementation of UndoableEdit that can be used as a base for implementing editing operations.
CompoundEdit An editing action that consists of multiple UndoableEdits.
StateEdit A helper class, making it easy to support undo and redo.
UndoableEditSupport A helper class for supporting UndoableEditListener.
UndoManager A manager for providing an application’s undo/redo functionality.

Exception Summary

CannotRedoException An exception which indicates that an editing action cannot be redone.
CannotUndoException An exception which indicates that an editing action cannot be undone.