Frames | No Frames |
Classes derived from org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
class | The working implementation of the Context .
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Creates the new context with the given name and parent.
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Context | The context holder for methods ctx(Context) and ctx().
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Request | IorDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Creates the request to invoke the method on this object.
Request | SimpleDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Create the request for the local call
Request | IorDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Creates the request to invoke the method on this object.
Request | SimpleDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create the request for the local call.
void |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Context | |
Context | |
Context | Get the default context of this ORB. |
Context |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Request | ObjectImpl._create_request(Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Create a request to invoke the method of this object.
Request | ObjectImpl._create_request(Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create a request to invoke the method of this object, specifying
context list and the list of the expected exception.
Request | Delegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Create a request to invoke the method of this object.
Request | Delegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create a request to invoke the method of this object, specifying
context list and the list of the expected exception.
void | Should write a CORBA context to the output stream, but,
following the 1.4 specification, it does not and
must be overridden to get a functionality.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Context | This should read the CORBA context, but following the 1.4 API
specification, it must not be implemented.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
void | Following the specification, this is not implemented.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Context | Delegates functionality to the underlying stream.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Request | LocalDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String method, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) Create request for using with DII.
Request | LocalDelegate.create_request(Object target, Context context, String method, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create request for using with DII.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Context | Get contexts.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Request | LocalObject._create_request(Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns) This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
Request | Create a request to invoke the method of this object.
Request | LocalObject._create_request(Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
Request | Object._create_request(Context context, String operation, NVList parameters, NamedValue returns, ExceptionList exceptions, ContextList ctx_list) Create a request to invoke the method of this object, specifying
context list and the list of the expected exception.
void | Set the context that shuld be later returned by ctx() .
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.Context | |
Context | Create a child of this Context, giving it a name.
Context | Get the context, previously set using ctx(Context) .
Context | Get the context information.
Context | Get the default context of this ORB. |
Context | Get the parent of this context.