Package org.omg.CORBA.portable

Interface Summary

BoxedValueHelper Provides a helper operations for the boxed value type.
CustomValue If the value type provides the user defined methods for reading and writing its content, it must implement this interface for reading and writing the content in a user-defined default way.
IDLEntity Indicates that this class has a corresponding Helper class.
InvokeHandler Provides the dispatching mechanism for incoming call.
ResponseHandler The interface, able to return streams, where the reply data can be marshalled.
Streamable The base class for the Holder classess of IDL types.
StreamableValue If the value type does not provide the user defined methods for reading and writing its content, it must implement this interface for reading and writing the content in a default way.
ValueBase ValueBase is the basic interface for all CORBA value data types.
ValueFactory An interface for reading an instance of the value type from the input stream.

Class Summary

Delegate Specifies a vendor specific implementation of the Object methods.
InputStream This class is used to read CORBA IDL data types.
ObjectImpl The basic implementation of the CORBA Object.
OutputStream This class is used to write CORBA IDL data types.
ServantObject Together with supporting methods in ObjectImpl and Delegate, provides mechanism for direct calls of clients, running on the same virtual machine (collocated).

Exception Summary

ApplicationException This expection is thrown if the application throws an exception, defined as a part of its remote method definition.
IndirectionException This exception is thrown when reading from the ORBs input streams certain specific data layouts (object recursive references to itself).
RemarshalException This is exception is potentially thrown by the _invoke() method of the object implementation, requiring to write the method parameters repeatedly.
UnknownException The wrapper of the arbitrary exception into the System exception.