Package org.omg.CosNaming

Interface Summary

BindingIterator The iterator for seing the available bindings.
BindingIteratorOperations The operations, applicable for an iterator for seing the available bindings.
NamingContext The interface for the naming context.
NamingContextExt The extended naming context interface, defined since 1.4.
NamingContextExtOperations The extended naming context operations, defined since 1.4.
NamingContextOperations The naming context operations.

Class Summary

Binding Defines the binding with the given name and type.
BindingHelper The helper operations for Binding.
BindingHolder A holder for the binding type.
BindingIteratorHelper The helper operations for BindingIterator
BindingIteratorHolder The holder to store the binding iterator.
BindingIteratorPOA The binding iterator servant, used in POA-based naming service implementations.
BindingListHelper The helper operations for the binding list.
BindingListHolder A class to hold the binding list.
BindingType Specifies the binding type (how the binding has been created).
BindingTypeHelper A helper operations of the BindingType
BindingTypeHolder Holds the binding type.
IstringHelper "Istring" was a "placeholder for a future IDL internationalized string data type" in the original specification.
NameComponent The name component, a node in the multi-comonent name.
NameComponentHelper A helper classes for the name component.
NameComponentHolder The name component holder.
NameHelper The helper operations for the name that is defined as an array of the name components.
NameHolder The holder for the name that is defined as an array of the name components.
NamingContextExtHelper The helper operations for the extended naming context.
NamingContextExtHolder A holder for the extended naming context, added since 1.4.
NamingContextExtPOA The extended naming service servant.
NamingContextHelper The helper operations for the naming context.
NamingContextHolder A holder for the naming context.
NamingContextPOA The naming service servant.
_BindingIteratorImplBase The binding iterator implementation base.
_BindingIteratorStub The binding interator stub (proxy), used on the client side.
_NamingContextExtImplBase The extended naming context implementation base.
_NamingContextExtStub The extended naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side.
_NamingContextImplBase The naming context implementation base.
_NamingContextStub The naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side.