GEN32 — Mixes any waveform, resampled with either FFT or linear interpolation.


This routine is similar to GEN31, but allows specifying source ftable for each partial. Tables can be resampled either with FFT, or linear interpolation.


f # time size  32  srca  pna stra phsa  srcb pnb strb phsb  ...


srca, srcb -- source table number. A negative value can be used to read the table with linear interpolation (by default, the source waveform is transposed and phase shifted using FFT); this is less accurate, but faster, and allows non-integer and negative partial numbers.

pna, pnb, ... -- partial number, must be a positive integer if source table number is positive (i.e. resample with FFT).

stra, strb, ... -- amplitude scale

phsa, phsb, ... -- start phase (0 to 1)


Here is an example of the GEN32 routine. It uses the file gen32.csd.

Example 1294. Example of the gen32 generator.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac      ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o gen32.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

itmp    ftgen 1, 0, 16384, 7, 1, 16384, -1		; sawtooth
itmp    ftgen 2, 0, 8192, 10, 1				; sine
itmp    ftgen 5, 0, 4096, -32, -2, 1.5, 1.0, 0.25, 1, 2, 0.5, 0, 1, 3, -0.25, 0.5	; mix tables
itmp    ftgen 6, 0, 16384, 20, 3, 1			; window
; generate band-limited waveforms
inote   =  0
icps    =  440 * exp(log(2) * (inote - 69) / 12)        ; one table for
inumh   =  sr / (2 * icps)                              ; each MIDI note number
ift     =  int(inote + 256.5)
itmp    ftgen ift, 0, 4096, -30, 5, 1, inumh
inote   =  inote + 1
        if (inote < 127.5) igoto loop0

instr 1

kcps    expon 20, p3, 16000
kft     =  int(256.5 + 69 + 12 * log(kcps / 440) / log(2))
kft     =  (kft > 383 ? 383 : kft)
a1      phasor kcps
a1      tableikt a1, kft, 1, 0, 1
        outs a1*.5, a1*.5
instr 2

kcps    expon 20, p3, 16000
kft     =  int(256.5 + 69 + 12 * log(kcps / 440) / log(2))
kft     =  (kft > 383 ? 383 : kft)
kgdur   limit 10 / kcps, 0.1, 1
a1      grain2 kcps, 0.02, kgdur, 30, kft, 6, -0.5
        outs a1*.08, a1*.08

t 0 60

i 1 0 10
i 2 12 10


Author: Rasmus Ekman

Programmer: Istvan Varga

New in version 4.17