If true, configure the database handle to obtain a write lock on the entire database. When the database is opened it will immediately throw LockNotGrantedException if it cannot obtain the exclusive lock immediately. If False, configure the database handle to obtain a write lock on the entire database. When the database is opened, it will block until it can obtain the exclusive lock. If null, do not configure the database handle to obtain a write lock on the entire database.

Namespace:  BerkeleyDB
Assembly:  libdb_dotnet53 (in libdb_dotnet53.dll) Version:


public Nullable<bool> NoWaitDbExclusiveLock { get; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property NoWaitDbExclusiveLock As Nullable(Of Boolean)
Visual C++
property Nullable<bool> NoWaitDbExclusiveLock {
	Nullable<bool> get ();

See Also