Berkeley DB
version 5.3.28

Uses of Class

Packages that use ReplicationHostAddress
com.sleepycat.db Berkeley DB Java API
[reference guide] [Java programming notes]

Uses of ReplicationHostAddress in com.sleepycat.db

Fields in com.sleepycat.db declared as ReplicationHostAddress
 ReplicationHostAddress ReplicationManagerSiteInfo.addr
          The replication site's address

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that return ReplicationHostAddress
 ReplicationHostAddress ReplicationManagerSite.getAddress()
          Get the address of the site.
 ReplicationHostAddress ReplicationManagerSiteConfig.getAddress()
          Return the address of the site.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type ReplicationHostAddress
 void ReplicationManagerSiteConfig.setAddress(ReplicationHostAddress address)
          Configure the address for a site in replication group.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type ReplicationHostAddress
ReplicationManagerSiteInfo(ReplicationHostAddress hostAddr, int eid)
          Create a ReplicationManagerSiteInfo with the given information, isConnected defaults to false.
ReplicationManagerSiteInfo(ReplicationHostAddress hostAddr, int eid, boolean isConnected)
          Create a ReplicationManagerSiteInfo with the given information.
ReplicationManagerSiteInfo(ReplicationHostAddress hostAddr, int eid, boolean isConnected, boolean isPeer)
          Create a ReplicationManagerSiteInfo with the given information.

Berkeley DB
version 5.3.28

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