DCMTK Version 3.6.7
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
DcmUniqueIdentifier Class Reference

a class representing the DICOM value representation 'Unique Identifier' (UI) More...

+ Inheritance diagram for DcmUniqueIdentifier:

Public Member Functions

 DcmUniqueIdentifier (const DcmTag &tag, const Uint32 len=0)
 constructor. More...
 DcmUniqueIdentifier (const DcmUniqueIdentifier &old)
 copy constructor More...
virtual ~DcmUniqueIdentifier ()
DcmUniqueIdentifieroperator= (const DcmUniqueIdentifier &obj)
 assignment operator More...
virtual DcmObjectclone () const
 clone method More...
virtual OFCondition copyFrom (const DcmObject &rhs)
 Virtual object copying. More...
virtual DcmEVR ident () const
 get element type identifier More...
virtual OFCondition checkValue (const OFString &vm="1-n", const OFBool oldFormat=OFFalse)
 check whether stored value conforms to the VR and to the specified VM More...
virtual void print (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags=0, const int level=0, const char *pixelFileName=NULL, size_t *pixelCounter=NULL)
 print element to a stream. More...
virtual OFCondition getOFString (OFString &stringVal, const unsigned long pos, OFBool normalize=OFTrue)
 get a copy of a particular string component More...
virtual OFCondition putString (const char *stringVal)
 set element value from the given character string. More...
virtual OFCondition putString (const char *stringVal, const Uint32 stringLen)
 set element value from the given character string. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DcmByteString
 DcmByteString (const DcmTag &tag)
 constructor. More...
 DcmByteString (const DcmByteString &old)
 copy constructor More...
virtual ~DcmByteString ()
DcmByteStringoperator= (const DcmByteString &obj)
 assignment operator More...
virtual int compare (const DcmElement &rhs) const
 comparison operator that compares the normalized value of this object with a given object of the same type. More...
virtual DcmObjectclone () const
 clone method More...
virtual OFCondition copyFrom (const DcmObject &rhs)
 Virtual object copying. More...
virtual DcmEVR ident () const
 get element type identifier More...
virtual OFCondition clear ()
 clear the currently stored value More...
virtual unsigned long getVM ()
 get value multiplicity More...
virtual unsigned long getNumberOfValues ()
 get number of values stored in this element. More...
Uint32 getRealLength ()
 get length of the stored value. More...
virtual Uint32 getLength (const E_TransferSyntax xfer=EXS_LittleEndianImplicit, const E_EncodingType enctype=EET_UndefinedLength)
 get DICOM length of the stored value. More...
virtual void print (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags=0, const int level=0, const char *pixelFileName=NULL, size_t *pixelCounter=NULL)
 print element to a stream. More...
virtual OFCondition write (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer, const E_EncodingType enctype, DcmWriteCache *wcache)
 write data element to a stream More...
virtual OFCondition writeSignatureFormat (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer, const E_EncodingType enctype, DcmWriteCache *wcache)
 write data element to a stream as required for the creation of digital signatures More...
virtual OFCondition getOFString (OFString &stringVal, const unsigned long pos, OFBool normalize=OFTrue)
 get a copy of a particular string component More...
virtual OFCondition getOFStringArray (OFString &stringVal, OFBool normalize=OFTrue)
 get entire element value as a character string. More...
virtual OFCondition getString (char *&stringVal)
 get a pointer to the current string value. More...
virtual OFCondition getString (char *&stringVal, Uint32 &stringLen)
 get a pointer to the current string value. More...
virtual OFCondition putString (const char *stringVal)
 set element value from the given character string. More...
virtual OFCondition putOFStringAtPos (const OFString &stringVal, const unsigned long pos=0)
 set element value at specific VM position in the given character string. More...
virtual OFCondition putString (const char *stringVal, const Uint32 stringLen)
 set element value from the given character string. More...
virtual OFCondition verify (const OFBool autocorrect=OFFalse)
 check the currently stored string value. More...
virtual OFBool containsExtendedCharacters (const OFBool checkAllStrings=OFFalse)
 check if this element contains non-ASCII characters. More...
virtual OFBool isAffectedBySpecificCharacterSet () const
 check if this element is affected by SpecificCharacterSet More...
virtual OFBool isEmpty (const OFBool normalize=OFTrue)
 check if this object is empty More...
virtual OFCondition writeJson (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, DcmJsonFormat &format)
 write object in JSON format More...
virtual OFBool matches (const DcmElement &candidate, const OFBool enableWildCardMatching=OFTrue) const
 perform attribute matching. More...
virtual OFBool matches (const OFString &key, const OFString &candidate, const OFBool enableWildCardMatching=OFTrue) const
 perform attribute matching on a single pair of string values. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DcmElement
 DcmElement (const DcmTag &tag, const Uint32 len=0)
 constructor. More...
 DcmElement (const DcmElement &old)
 copy constructor More...
virtual ~DcmElement ()
DcmElementoperator= (const DcmElement &obj)
 assignment operator More...
virtual int compare (const DcmElement &rhs) const =0
 comparison operator that compares the normalized value of this element with a given element of the same type (e.g. More...
virtual OFCondition copyFrom (const DcmObject &rhs)
 Virtual object copying. More...
virtual Uint32 calcElementLength (const E_TransferSyntax xfer, const E_EncodingType enctype)
 calculate the length of this DICOM element when encoded with the given transfer syntax and the given encoding type for sequences. More...
virtual Uint32 getLength (const E_TransferSyntax xfer=EXS_LittleEndianImplicit, const E_EncodingType enctype=EET_UndefinedLength)
 calculate the value length (without attribute tag, VR and length field) of this DICOM element when encoded with the given transfer syntax and the given encoding type for sequences. More...
virtual OFBool isLeaf () const
 check if this element is a leaf node in a dataset tree. More...
OFBool valueLoaded () const
 check if value of this element is loaded into main memory More...
virtual void transferInit ()
 initialize the transfer state of this object. More...
virtual OFBool canWriteXfer (const E_TransferSyntax newXfer, const E_TransferSyntax oldXfer)
 check if this DICOM object can be encoded in the given transfer syntax. More...
virtual OFCondition read (DcmInputStream &inStream, const E_TransferSyntax ixfer, const E_GrpLenEncoding glenc=EGL_noChange, const Uint32 maxReadLength=DCM_MaxReadLength)
 This function reads the data value of an attribute which is captured in the input stream and captures this information in this. More...
virtual OFCondition write (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer, const E_EncodingType enctype, DcmWriteCache *wcache)
 This function writes this element's value to the outstream which was passed. More...
virtual OFCondition writeXML (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags=0)
 write object in XML format More...
virtual OFCondition writeJson (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, DcmJsonFormat &format)
 write object in JSON format More...
virtual OFCondition writeSignatureFormat (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer, const E_EncodingType enctype, DcmWriteCache *wcache)
 special write method for creation of digital signatures More...
virtual OFCondition clear ()
 clear (remove) attribute value More...
virtual OFCondition checkValue (const OFString &vm="1-n", const OFBool oldFormat=OFFalse)
 check whether stored value conforms to the VR and to the specified VM More...
virtual OFCondition loadAllDataIntoMemory ()
 this method loads all attribute values maintained by this object and all sub-objects (in case of a container such as DcmDataset) into memory. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint8 (Uint8 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Uint8. More...
virtual OFCondition getSint16 (Sint16 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Sint16. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint16 (Uint16 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Uint16. More...
virtual OFCondition getSint32 (Sint32 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Sint32. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint32 (Uint32 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Uint32. More...
virtual OFCondition getFloat32 (Float32 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Float32. More...
virtual OFCondition getSint64 (Sint64 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Sint64. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint64 (Uint64 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Uint64. More...
virtual OFCondition getFloat64 (Float64 &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type Float64. More...
virtual OFCondition getTagVal (DcmTagKey &val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 retrieve a single value of type DcmTagKey. More...
virtual OFCondition getOFString (OFString &str, const unsigned long pos, OFBool normalize=OFTrue)
 retrieve a single value of type string. More...
virtual OFCondition getOFStringArray (OFString &value, OFBool normalize=OFTrue)
 get entire element value as a character string. More...
virtual OFCondition getString (char *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type string. More...
virtual OFCondition getString (char *&val, Uint32 &len)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type string. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint8Array (Uint8 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type string. More...
virtual OFCondition getSint16Array (Sint16 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Sint16. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint16Array (Uint16 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Uint16. More...
virtual OFCondition getSint32Array (Sint32 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Sint32. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint32Array (Uint32 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Uint32. More...
virtual OFCondition getFloat32Array (Float32 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Float32. More...
virtual OFCondition getSint64Array (Sint64 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Sint64. More...
virtual OFCondition getUint64Array (Uint64 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Uint64. More...
virtual OFCondition getFloat64Array (Float64 *&val)
 get a pointer to the element value of the current element as type Float64. More...
OFCondition detachValueField (OFBool copy=OFFalse)
 detach the value field from the DICOM element (i.e., this object). More...
virtual OFCondition putOFStringArray (const OFString &val)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given string (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putString (const char *val)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given string (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putString (const char *val, const Uint32 len)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given string (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putSint16 (const Sint16 val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given Sint16 value. More...
virtual OFCondition putUint16 (const Uint16 val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given Uint16 value. More...
virtual OFCondition putSint32 (const Sint32 val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given Sint32 value. More...
virtual OFCondition putUint32 (const Uint32 val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given Uint32 value. More...
virtual OFCondition putFloat32 (const Float32 val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given Float32 value. More...
virtual OFCondition putFloat64 (const Float64 val, const unsigned long pos=0)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given Float64 value. More...
virtual OFCondition putTagVal (const DcmTagKey &attrTag, const unsigned long pos=0)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given DcmTagKey value. More...
virtual OFCondition putUint8Array (const Uint8 *vals, const unsigned long num)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given Uint8 array (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putSint16Array (const Sint16 *vals, const unsigned long num)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given Sint16 array (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putUint16Array (const Uint16 *vals, const unsigned long num)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given Uint16 array (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putSint32Array (const Sint32 *vals, const unsigned long num)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given Sint32 array (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putUint32Array (const Uint32 *vals, const unsigned long num)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given Uint32 array (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putFloat32Array (const Float32 *vals, const unsigned long num)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given Float32 array (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition putFloat64Array (const Float64 *vals, const unsigned long num)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given Float64 array (which is possibly multi-valued). More...
virtual OFCondition getPartialValue (void *targetBuffer, const Uint32 offset, Uint32 numBytes, DcmFileCache *cache=NULL, E_ByteOrder byteOrder=gLocalByteOrder)
 Copy numBytes bytes of data from the attribute value in byteOrder byte order to targetBuffer, starting at byte offset offset of the attribute value. More...
virtual OFCondition createUint8Array (const Uint32 numBytes, Uint8 *&bytes)
 create an empty Uint8 array of given number of bytes and set it. More...
virtual OFCondition createUint16Array (const Uint32 numWords, Uint16 *&words)
 create an empty Uint16 array of given number of words and set it. More...
virtual OFCondition createValueFromTempFile (DcmInputStreamFactory *factory, const Uint32 length, const E_ByteOrder byteOrder)
 replace the attribute value with the content of the given temporary file. More...
virtual void compact ()
 remove the attribute value from memory if the attribute value can be loaded from file when needed again. More...
virtual OFCondition getUncompressedFrameSize (DcmItem *dataset, Uint32 &frameSize) const
 compute uncompressed frame size of a single frame of this image. More...
virtual OFCondition getUncompressedFrame (DcmItem *dataset, Uint32 frameNo, Uint32 &startFragment, void *buffer, Uint32 bufSize, OFString &decompressedColorModel, DcmFileCache *cache=NULL)
 access single frame without decompressing or loading a complete multi-frame object. More...
virtual OFCondition getDecompressedColorModel (DcmItem *dataset, OFString &decompressedColorModel)
 determine color model of the decompressed image More...
virtual OFBool isUniversalMatch (const OFBool normalize=OFTrue, const OFBool enableWildCardMatching=OFTrue)
 Determine if this element is universal matching. More...
virtual OFBool matches (const DcmElement &candidate, const OFBool enableWildCardMatching=OFTrue) const
 perform attribute matching. More...
virtual OFBool combinationMatches (const DcmElement &keySecond, const DcmElement &candidateFirst, const DcmElement &candidateSecond) const
 perform combined attribute matching. More...
const DcmInputStreamFactorygetInputStream () const
 returns a pointer to the input stream, if available, NULL otherwise. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DcmObject
 DcmObject (const DcmTag &tag, const Uint32 len=0)
 constructor. More...
 DcmObject (const DcmObject &obj)
 copy constructor More...
virtual ~DcmObject ()
virtual DcmObjectclone () const =0
 clone method More...
DcmObjectoperator= (const DcmObject &obj)
 copy assignment operator More...
virtual OFCondition copyFrom (const DcmObject &rhs)=0
 Virtual object copying. More...
virtual DcmEVR ident () const =0
 return identifier for this class. More...
DcmEVR getVR () const
 return the value representation assigned to this object. More...
OFBool isaString () const
 check if this element is a string type, based on the VR. More...
virtual OFBool isLeaf () const =0
 check if this element is a leaf node in a dataset tree. More...
virtual OFBool isNested () const
 check if this element is nested in a sequence of items, i.e. not a top-level or stand-alone element More...
virtual void print (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags=0, const int level=0, const char *pixelFileName=NULL, size_t *pixelCounter=NULL)=0
 print object to a stream More...
E_TransferState transferState () const
 return the current transfer (read/write) state of this object. More...
virtual void transferInit (void)
 initialize the transfer state of this object. More...
virtual void transferEnd (void)
 finalize the transfer state of this object. More...
DcmItemgetRootItem ()
 get root dataset/item (top-level) that contains this object. More...
virtual DcmItemgetParentItem ()
 get parent item of this object. More...
DcmObjectgetParent ()
 get parent of this object. More...
const DcmObjectgetParent () const
 get parent of this object. More...
void setParent (DcmObject *parent)
 set parent of this object. More...
Uint16 getGTag () const
 return the group number of the attribute tag for this object More...
Uint16 getETag () const
 return the element number of the attribute tag for this object More...
const DcmTaggetTag () const
 return const reference to the attribute tag for this object More...
void setGTag (Uint16 gtag)
 assign group tag (but not element tag) of the attribute tag for this object. More...
virtual OFCondition setVR (DcmEVR vr)
 assign a new Value Representation (VR) to this object. More...
virtual unsigned long getVM ()=0
 get value multiplicity of this object. More...
virtual unsigned long getNumberOfValues ()=0
 get number of values stored in this object More...
virtual Uint32 calcElementLength (const E_TransferSyntax xfer, const E_EncodingType enctype)=0
 calculate the length of this DICOM element when encoded with the given transfer syntax and the given encoding type for sequences. More...
virtual Uint32 getLength (const E_TransferSyntax xfer=EXS_LittleEndianImplicit, const E_EncodingType enctype=EET_UndefinedLength)=0
 calculate the value length (without attribute tag, VR and length field) of this DICOM element when encoded with the given transfer syntax and the given encoding type for sequences. More...
virtual OFBool canWriteXfer (const E_TransferSyntax newXfer, const E_TransferSyntax oldXfer)=0
 check if this DICOM object can be encoded in the given transfer syntax. More...
virtual OFCondition read (DcmInputStream &inStream, const E_TransferSyntax ixfer, const E_GrpLenEncoding glenc=EGL_noChange, const Uint32 maxReadLength=DCM_MaxReadLength)=0
 read object from a stream. More...
virtual OFCondition write (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer, const E_EncodingType enctype, DcmWriteCache *wcache)=0
 write object to a stream (abstract) More...
virtual OFCondition writeXML (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags=0)
 write object in XML format to a stream More...
virtual OFCondition writeJson (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, DcmJsonFormat &format)
 write object in JSON format to a stream More...
virtual OFCondition writeSignatureFormat (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer, const E_EncodingType enctype, DcmWriteCache *wcache)=0
 special write method for creation of digital signatures (abstract) More...
virtual OFBool isSignable () const
 returns true if the current object may be included in a digital signature More...
virtual OFBool containsUnknownVR () const
 returns true if the object contains an element with Unknown VR at any nesting level More...
virtual OFBool containsExtendedCharacters (const OFBool checkAllStrings=OFFalse)
 check if this object contains non-ASCII characters More...
virtual OFBool isAffectedBySpecificCharacterSet () const
 check if this object is affected by SpecificCharacterSet More...
virtual OFCondition convertCharacterSet (DcmSpecificCharacterSet &converter)
 convert this object from the currently selected source character set to the currently selected destination character set (if affected by SpecificCharacterSet) More...
virtual OFBool isEmpty (const OFBool normalize=OFTrue)
 check if this object is empty More...
virtual OFCondition clear ()=0
 clear (remove) attribute value More...
virtual OFCondition verify (const OFBool autocorrect=OFFalse)=0
 check the currently stored element value More...
virtual DcmObjectnextInContainer (const DcmObject *obj)
 this method is only used in container classes derived from this class, that is, DcmItem and DcmSequenceOfItems. More...
virtual OFCondition nextObject (DcmStack &stack, const OFBool intoSub)
 this method enables a stack based, depth-first traversal of a complete hierarchical DICOM dataset (that is, classes derived from DcmItem or DcmSequenceOfItems). More...
virtual OFCondition search (const DcmTagKey &xtag, DcmStack &resultStack, E_SearchMode mode=ESM_fromHere, OFBool searchIntoSub=OFTrue)
 a complex, stack-based, hierarchical search method. More...
virtual OFCondition loadAllDataIntoMemory ()=0
 this method loads all attribute values maintained by this object and all sub-objects (in case of a container such as DcmDataset) into memory. More...
Uint32 getLengthField () const
 return the current value of the Length field (which is different from the functionality of the public getLength() method). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static OFCondition checkStringValue (const OFString &value, const OFString &vm="1-n")
 check whether given string value conforms to the VR "UI" (Unique Identifier) and to the specified VM. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DcmElement
static int scanValue (const OFString &value, const OFString &vr, const size_t pos=0, const size_t num=OFString_npos)
 scan string value for conformance with given value representation (VR) More...
static int scanValue (const OFString &vr, const char *const value, const size_t size)
 scan string value for conformance with given value representation (VR) More...
static unsigned long determineVM (const char *str, const size_t len)
 determine the number of values stored in a string, i.e. the value multiplicity (VM) More...
static size_t getValueFromString (const char *str, const size_t pos, const size_t len, OFString &val)
 get the first value stored in the given string. More...
static OFCondition checkVM (const unsigned long vmNum, const OFString &vmStr)
 check for correct value multiplicity (VM) More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual OFCondition makeMachineByteString (const Uint32 length=0)
 convert currently stored string value to internal representation. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DcmByteString
 DcmByteString (const DcmTag &tag, const Uint32 len)
 constructor. More...
virtual Uint8 * newValueField ()
 create a new value field (string buffer) of the previously defined size (member variable 'Length'). More...
virtual void postLoadValue ()
 method is called after the element value has been loaded. More...
E_StringMode getStringMode () const
 get current representation of the string value More...
virtual OFCondition makeMachineByteString (const Uint32 length=0)
 convert currently stored string value to internal representation. More...
OFCondition makeDicomByteString ()
 convert currently stored string value to DICOM representation. More...
OFCondition getStringValue (OFString &stringVal)
 get a copy of the current string value. More...
Uint32 getMaxLength () const
 get the maximum number of characters for each string component More...
char getPaddingChar () const
 get the end-of-string padding character More...
void setPaddingChar (char c)
 set the end-of-string padding character More...
void setMaxLength (Uint32 val)
 set the maximum number of characters for each string component More...
void setNonSignificantChars (const OFString &characters)
 set non-significant characters used to determine whether the value is empty More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DcmElement
void * getValue (const E_ByteOrder newByteOrder=gLocalByteOrder)
 This function returns this element's value. More...
OFCondition changeValue (const void *value, const Uint32 position, const Uint32 num)
 insert into the element value a copy of the given raw value. More...
OFCondition putValue (const void *value, const Uint32 length)
 replace the element value by a copy of the given raw data block More...
OFCondition createEmptyValue (const Uint32 length)
 create a new, empty value field of given size. More...
OFCondition loadValue (DcmInputStream *inStream=NULL)
 This function reads the data value of an attribute and stores the information which was read in this. More...
virtual void postLoadValue ()
 performs clean-up functions after loading an attribute value into main memory. More...
virtual Uint8 * newValueField ()
 This function creates a byte array of Length bytes and returns this array. More...
void swapValueField (size_t valueWidth)
 swaps the content of the value field (if loaded) from big-endian to little-endian or back More...
virtual void writeXMLStartTag (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags, const char *attrText=NULL)
 write element start tag in XML format More...
virtual void writeXMLEndTag (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags)
 write element end tag in XML format More...
virtual void writeJsonOpener (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, DcmJsonFormat &format)
 write element start tag in JSON format More...
virtual void writeJsonCloser (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, DcmJsonFormat &format)
 write element end tag in JSON format More...
E_ByteOrder getByteOrder () const
 return the current byte order of the value field More...
void setByteOrder (E_ByteOrder val)
 set the current byte order of the value field More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DcmObject
void printNestingLevel (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags, const int level)
 print line indentation, e.g. a couple of spaces for each nesting level. More...
void printInfoLineStart (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags, const int level, DcmTag *tag=NULL)
 print beginning of the info line. More...
void printInfoLineEnd (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags, const unsigned long printedLength=0xffffffff, DcmTag *tag=NULL)
 print end of the info line. More...
virtual void printInfoLine (STD_NAMESPACE ostream &out, const size_t flags, const int level=0, const char *info=NULL, DcmTag *tag=NULL, const OFBool isInfo=OFTrue)
 print given text with element information. More...
virtual OFCondition writeTagAndLength (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer, Uint32 &writtenBytes) const
 write tag, VR and length field to the given output stream More...
virtual Uint32 getTagAndLengthSize (const E_TransferSyntax oxfer) const
 return the number of bytes needed to serialize the tag, VR and length information of the current object using the given transfer syntax. More...
const char * getTagName ()
 return the DICOM attribute tag name for this object. More...
void setTagVR (DcmEVR vr)
 set the VR for this attribute More...
E_TransferState getTransferState () const
 return the current transfer state of this object during serialization/deserialization More...
void setTransferState (E_TransferState newState)
 set the current transfer state of this object during serialization/deserialization More...
Uint32 getTransferredBytes () const
 return the number of transferred bytes for this object during serialization/deserialization More...
void setTransferredBytes (Uint32 val)
 set the number of transferred bytes for this object during serialization/deserialization More...
void incTransferredBytes (Uint32 val)
 add to the number of transferred bytes for this object during serialization/deserialization More...
void setLengthField (Uint32 val)
 set the current value of the Length field More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from DcmByteString
enum  E_StringMode { DCM_MachineString , DCM_DicomString , DCM_UnknownString }
 internal type used to specify the current string representation More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DcmByteString
static OFBool containsExtendedCharacters (const char *stringVal, const size_t stringLen)
 check if a given character string contains non-ASCII characters. More...
static OFCondition checkStringValue (const OFString &value, const OFString &vm, const OFString &vr, const int vrID, const size_t maxLen=0, const OFString &charset="")
 check whether given string value conforms to a certain VR and VM. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DcmObject
static OFCondition writeTag (DcmOutputStream &outStream, const DcmTag &tag, const E_TransferSyntax oxfer)
 static helper function that writes a given attribute tag to a binary output stream using the byte order indicated by the transfer syntax. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from DcmObject
OFCondition errorFlag
 error flag for this object.

Detailed Description

a class representing the DICOM value representation 'Unique Identifier' (UI)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DcmUniqueIdentifier() [1/2]

DcmUniqueIdentifier::DcmUniqueIdentifier ( const DcmTag tag,
const Uint32  len = 0 


Create new element from given tag and length.

tagDICOM tag for the new element
lenvalue length for the new element

◆ DcmUniqueIdentifier() [2/2]

DcmUniqueIdentifier::DcmUniqueIdentifier ( const DcmUniqueIdentifier old)

copy constructor

oldelement to be copied

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkStringValue()

static OFCondition DcmUniqueIdentifier::checkStringValue ( const OFString value,
const OFString vm = "1-n" 

check whether given string value conforms to the VR "UI" (Unique Identifier) and to the specified VM.

valuestring value to be checked (possibly multi-valued)
vmvalue multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for. (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
status of the check, EC_Normal if value is correct, an error code otherwise

◆ checkValue()

virtual OFCondition DcmUniqueIdentifier::checkValue ( const OFString vm = "1-n",
const OFBool  oldFormat = OFFalse 

check whether stored value conforms to the VR and to the specified VM

vmvalue multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for. (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
oldFormatparameter not used for this VR (only for DA, TM)
status of the check, EC_Normal if value is correct, an error code otherwise

Reimplemented from DcmElement.

◆ clone()

virtual DcmObject * DcmUniqueIdentifier::clone ( ) const

clone method

deep copy of this object

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

◆ copyFrom()

virtual OFCondition DcmUniqueIdentifier::copyFrom ( const DcmObject rhs)

Virtual object copying.

This method can be used for DcmObject and derived classes to get a deep copy of an object. Internally the assignment operator is called if the given DcmObject parameter is of the same type as "this" object instance. If not, an error is returned. This function permits copying an object by value in a virtual way which therefore is different to just calling the assignment operator of DcmElement which could result in slicing the object.

rhs- [in] The instance to copy from. Has to be of the same class type as "this" object
EC_Normal if copying was successful, error otherwise

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

◆ getOFString()

virtual OFCondition DcmUniqueIdentifier::getOFString ( OFString stringVal,
const unsigned long  pos,
OFBool  normalize = OFTrue 

get a copy of a particular string component

stringValvariable in which the result value is stored
posindex of the value in case of multi-valued elements (0..vm-1)
normalizedelete trailing NULL-byte(s) if OFTrue
status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

◆ ident()

virtual DcmEVR DcmUniqueIdentifier::ident ( ) const

get element type identifier

type identifier of this class (EVR_UI)

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

◆ makeMachineByteString()

virtual OFCondition DcmUniqueIdentifier::makeMachineByteString ( const Uint32  length = 0)

convert currently stored string value to internal representation.

It removes any leading, embedded and trailing space character and recomputes the string length. This manipulation attempts to correct problems with incorrectly encoded UIDs which have been observed in some images.

lengthnumber of characters of the string value (optional)
status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

◆ operator=()

DcmUniqueIdentifier & DcmUniqueIdentifier::operator= ( const DcmUniqueIdentifier obj)

assignment operator

objelement to be assigned/copied
reference to this object

◆ print()

virtual void DcmUniqueIdentifier::print ( STD_NAMESPACE ostream &  out,
const size_t  flags = 0,
const int  level = 0,
const char *  pixelFileName = NULL,
size_t *  pixelCounter = NULL 

print element to a stream.

The output format of the value is a backslash separated sequence of string components. In case of a single component, the UID number is mapped to the corresponding UID name (using dcmFindNameOfUID()) if available. A "=" is used as a prefix to distinguish the UID name from the UID number. NB: This mapping of UID names only works for single-valued strings.

outoutput stream
flagsoptional flag used to customize the output (see DCMTypes::PF_xxx)
levelcurrent level of nested items. Used for indentation.
pixelFileNamenot used
pixelCounternot used

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

◆ putString() [1/2]

virtual OFCondition DcmUniqueIdentifier::putString ( const char *  stringVal)

set element value from the given character string.

If the string starts with a "=", the subsequent characters are interpreted as a UID name and mapped to the corresponding UID number (using dcmFindUIDFromName()) if possible. Otherwise, an error (EC_UnknownUIDName) is returned. NB: This mapping of UID names only works for single-valued input strings.

stringValinput character string (possibly multi-valued)
status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

◆ putString() [2/2]

virtual OFCondition DcmUniqueIdentifier::putString ( const char *  stringVal,
const Uint32  stringLen 

set element value from the given character string.

If the string starts with a "=", the subsequent characters are interpreted as a UID name and mapped to the corresponding UID number (using dcmFindUIDFromName()) if possible. Otherwise, an error (EC_UnknownUIDName) is returned. NB: This mapping of UID names only works for single-valued input strings. The length of the string has to be specified explicitly. The string can, therefore, also contain more than one NULL byte.

stringValinput character string (possibly multi-valued)
stringLenlength of the string (number of characters without the trailing NULL byte)
status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise

Reimplemented from DcmByteString.

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