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13.2. Personalització de la interfície gràfica

13.2.1. Tria d'un gestor de pantalla

The graphical interface only provides display space. Running the X server by itself only leads to an empty screen, which is why most installations use a display manager to display a user authentication screen and start the graphical desktop once the user has authenticated. The three most popular display managers in current use are gdm3 (GNOME Display Manager), sddm (suggested for KDE Plasma) and lightdm (Light Display Manager). More alternatives exist and can be found by searching for the x-display-manager virtual package.
Since the Falcot Corp administrators have opted to use the GNOME desktop environment, they logically picked gdm3 as a display manager too. The /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf configuration file has many options (the list can be found in the /usr/share/gdm/gdm.schemas schema file) to control its behavior while /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults contains settings for the greeter “session” (more than just a login window, it is a limited desktop with power management and accessibility related tools). Note that some of the most useful settings for end-users can be tweaked with GNOME's control center.

13.2.2. Tria d'un gestor de finestres

Atès que cada escriptori gràfic proporciona el seu propi gestor de finestres, el gestor de finestres que s'escull normalment està influenciat per l'escriptori que heu seleccionat. GNOME utilitza el gestor de finestres mutter, el Plasma utilitza kwin, i Xfce (que presentarem més tard) té xfwm. La filosofia Unix sempre permet utilitzar el gestor de finestres que hom tria però, seguint les recomanacions, un administrador pot aprofitar millor els esforços d'integració dirigits per cada projecte.
Older computers may, however, have a hard time running heavyweight graphical desktop environments. In these cases, a lighter alternative (search for the x-window-manager virtual package) should be used. “Light” (or small footprint) window managers include WindowMaker (in the wmaker package), afterstep, icewm, blackbox, fluxbox, or openbox. In these cases, the system should be configured so that the appropriate window manager gets precedence; the standard way is to change the x-window-manager alternative with the command update-alternatives --config x-window-manager.

13.2.3. Gestió de menús

Modern desktop environments and many window managers provide menus listing the available applications for the user. In order to keep menus up-to-date in relation to the actual set of available applications, each package usually provides a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications. The format of those files has been standardized by
The applications menus can be further customized by administrators through system-wide configuration files as described by the “Desktop Menu Specification”. End-users can also customize the menus with graphical tools such as kmenuedit (in Plasma), alacarte (in GNOME) or menulibre.