reference-counted frame API
Utilties for rational number calculation.
This struct represents dynamic metadata for color volume transform - application 4 of SMPTE 2094-40:2...
uint8_t targeted_system_display_actual_peak_luminance_flag
This flag shall be equal to 0 in bit streams conforming to this version of this Specification.
uint8_t num_cols_targeted_system_display_actual_peak_luminance
The number of columns in the targeted_system_display_actual_peak_luminance array.
AVRational targeted_system_display_maximum_luminance
The nominal maximum display luminance of the targeted system display, in units of 0....
uint8_t mastering_display_actual_peak_luminance_flag
This flag shall be equal to 0 in bitstreams conforming to this version of this Specification.
AVHDRPlusColorTransformParams params[3]
The color transform parameters for every processing window.
uint8_t itu_t_t35_country_code
Country code by Rec.
uint8_t num_rows_targeted_system_display_actual_peak_luminance
The number of rows in the targeted system_display_actual_peak_luminance array.
uint8_t application_version
Application version in the application defining document in ST-2094 suite.
AVRational targeted_system_display_actual_peak_luminance[25][25]
The normalized actual peak luminance of the targeted system display.
uint8_t num_cols_mastering_display_actual_peak_luminance
The number of columns in the mastering_display_actual_peak_luminance array.
AVRational mastering_display_actual_peak_luminance[25][25]
The normalized actual peak luminance of the mastering display used for mastering the image essence.
uint8_t num_windows
The number of processing windows.
uint8_t num_rows_mastering_display_actual_peak_luminance
The number of rows in the mastering_display_actual_peak_luminance array.
This structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data.
Represents the percentile at a specific percentage in a distribution.
AVRational percentile
The linearized maxRGB value at a specific percentile in the processing window in the scene.
uint8_t percentage
The percentage value corresponding to a specific percentile linearized RGB value in the processing wi...
Rational number (pair of numerator and denominator).