This is the complete list of members for Scene, including all inherited members.
AddLight(LightPtr _light) | Scene | |
AddVisual(VisualPtr _vis) | Scene | |
AmbientColor() const | Scene | |
BackgroundColor() const | Scene | |
CameraCount() const | Scene | |
Clear() | Scene | |
CreateCamera(const std::string &_name, const bool _autoRender=true) | Scene | |
CreateDepthCamera(const std::string &_name, const bool _autoRender=true) | Scene | |
CreateGpuLaser(const std::string &_name, const bool _autoRender=true) | Scene | |
CreateGrid(const uint32_t _cellCount, const float _cellLength, const float _lineWidth, const common::Color &_color) | Scene | |
CreateUserCamera(const std::string &_name, const bool _stereoEnabled=false) | Scene | |
CreateWideAngleCamera(const std::string &_name, const bool _autoRender=true) | Scene | |
DrawLine(const math::Vector3 &_start, const math::Vector3 &_end, const std::string &_name) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
DrawLine(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_start, const ignition::math::Vector3d &_end, const std::string &_name) | Scene | |
FirstContact(CameraPtr _camera, const ignition::math::Vector2i &_mousePos, ignition::math::Vector3d &_position) | Scene | |
GetAmbientColor() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetBackgroundColor() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetCamera(const uint32_t _index) const | Scene | |
GetCamera(const std::string &_name) const | Scene | |
GetCameraCount() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetFirstContact(CameraPtr _camera, const math::Vector2i &_mousePos, math::Vector3 &_position) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetGrid(uint32_t _index) const | Scene | |
GetGridCount() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetHeightBelowPoint(const math::Vector3 &_pt) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetHeightmap() const | Scene | |
GetId() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetIdString() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetInitialized() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetLight(const std::string &_name) const | Scene | |
GetLight(const uint32_t _index) const | Scene | |
GetLightCount() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetManager() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetModelVisualAt(CameraPtr _camera, const math::Vector2i &_mousePos) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetName() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetSelectedVisual() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetShadowsEnabled() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetShowClouds() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetSimTime() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetSkyX() const | Scene | |
GetUserCamera(const uint32_t _index) const | Scene | |
GetUserCameraCount() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetVisual(const std::string &_name) const | Scene | |
GetVisual(const uint32_t _id) const | Scene | |
GetVisualAt(CameraPtr _camera, const math::Vector2i &_mousePos, std::string &_mod) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetVisualAt(CameraPtr _camera, const math::Vector2i &_mousePos) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetVisualBelow(const std::string &_visualName) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetVisualCount() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetVisualsBelowPoint(const math::Vector3 &_pt, std::vector< VisualPtr > &_visuals) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GetWorldVisual() const GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(7.0) | Scene | |
GridCount() const | Scene | |
GZ_SKYX_ALL enum value | Scene | |
GZ_SKYX_CLOUDS enum value | Scene | |
GZ_SKYX_MOON enum value | Scene | |
GZ_SKYX_NONE enum value | Scene | |
HeightBelowPoint(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pt) | Scene | |
Id() const | Scene | |
IdString() const | Scene | |
Init() | Scene | |
Initialized() const | Scene | |
LightCount() const | Scene | |
Load(sdf::ElementPtr _scene) | Scene | |
Load() | Scene | |
ModelVisualAt(CameraPtr _camera, const ignition::math::Vector2i &_mousePos) | Scene | |
Name() const | Scene | |
OgreSceneManager() const | Scene | |
PreRender() | Scene | |
PrintSceneGraph() | Scene | |
RemoveCamera(const std::string &_name) | Scene | |
RemoveLight(LightPtr _light) | Scene | |
RemoveProjectors() | Scene | |
RemoveVisual(VisualPtr _vis) | Scene | |
RemoveVisual(const uint32_t _id) | Scene | |
Scene(const std::string &_name, const bool _enableVisualizations=false, const bool _isServer=false) | Scene | |
SelectedVisual() const | Scene | |
SelectVisual(const std::string &_name, const std::string &_mode) | Scene | |
SetAmbientColor(const common::Color &_color) | Scene | |
SetBackgroundColor(const common::Color &_color) | Scene | |
SetFog(const std::string &_type, const common::Color &_color, const double _density, const double _start, const double _end) | Scene | |
SetGrid(const bool _enabled) | Scene | |
SetShadowsEnabled(const bool _value) | Scene | |
SetSkyXMode(const unsigned int _mode) | Scene | |
SetTransparent(const bool _show) | Scene | |
SetVisible(const std::string &_name, const bool _visible) | Scene | |
SetVisualId(VisualPtr _vis, const uint32_t _id) | Scene | |
SetWireframe(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShadowsEnabled() const | Scene | |
ShowClouds(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShowClouds() const | Scene | |
ShowCollisions(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShowCOMs(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShowContacts(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShowInertias(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShowJoints(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShowLinkFrames(const bool _show) | Scene | |
ShowOrigin(const bool _show) | Scene | |
SimTime() const | Scene | |
SkyXMode enum name | Scene | |
SnapVisualToNearestBelow(const std::string &_visualName) | Scene | |
StripSceneName(const std::string &_name) const | Scene | |
ToggleLayer(const int32_t _layer) | Scene | |
UserCameraCount() const | Scene | |
VisualAt(CameraPtr _camera, const ignition::math::Vector2i &_mousePos, std::string &_mod) | Scene | |
VisualAt(CameraPtr _camera, const ignition::math::Vector2i &_mousePos) | Scene | |
VisualBelow(const std::string &_visualName) | Scene | |
VisualCount() const | Scene | |
VisualsBelowPoint(const ignition::math::Vector3d &_pt, std::vector< VisualPtr > &_visuals) | Scene | |
WorldVisual() const | Scene | |
~Scene() | Scene | virtual |