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 (loop for i in '(2 1 5 3 4)
       maximize i)
⇒  5
 (loop for i in '(2 1 5 3 4)
       minimize i)
⇒  1

;; In this example, FIXNUM applies to the internal variable that holds
;; the maximum value.
 (setq series '(1.2 4.3 5.7))
⇒  (1.2 4.3 5.7)
 (loop for v in series 
       maximize (round v) of-type fixnum)
⇒  6

;; In this example, FIXNUM applies to the variable RESULT.
 (loop for v of-type float in series
       minimize (round v) into result of-type fixnum
       finally (return result))
⇒  1