GEIS  2.0
Gesture Engine Interface Support
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CGeisRepresents an instance of the gesture recognition engine
 CGeisDeviceA gesture-capable input device
 CGeisEventA generic GEIS event
 CGeisFilterSelects a subset of possible gestures in a subscription
 CGeisFrameA collection of information describing the state of a gesture
 CGeisGestureAttrAn individual gesture attribute
 CGeisGestureClassA defined gesture classifier
 CGeisGestureFuncsThe set of callback functions invoked for various gesture-related events
 CGeisGroupA collection of gesture frames
 CGeisGroupSetA collection of GeisGroups
 CGeisInputFuncsCallback functions used to handle changes in the available input devices
 CGeisInstanceA geis gesture subscription instance
 CGeisRegionDefines a region over which gestures may take place
 CGeisSubscriptionA gesture recognition subscription
 CGeisTouchAn instance of a touch
 CGeisTouchIdRelates a touch in a frame to a touch object in a set
 CGeisTouchSetA collection of GeisTouch
 CGeisWinInfoGeneric display region description block