GEIS  2.0
Gesture Engine Interface Support
Gesture Subscription

Data Structures

struct  GeisGestureAttr
 An individual gesture attribute. More...
struct  GeisGestureFuncs
 The set of callback functions invoked for various gesture-related events. More...


 Selects ALL input devices. More...


typedef unsigned int GeisGestureType
typedef unsigned int GeisGestureId
typedef struct GeisGestureAttr GeisGestureAttr
 An individual gesture attribute. More...
typedef void(* GeisGestureCallback) (void *cookie, GeisGestureType gesture_type, GeisGestureId gesture_id, GeisSize attr_count, GeisGestureAttr *attrs)
 A callback used for different gesture events. More...
typedef struct GeisGestureFuncs GeisGestureFuncs
 The set of callback functions invoked for various gesture-related events. More...


GeisStatus geis_subscribe (GeisInstance geis_instance, GeisInputDeviceId *input_list, const char **gesture_list, GeisGestureFuncs *funcs, void *cookie)
 Registers a callback to receive gesture events. More...
GeisStatus geis_unsubscribe (GeisInstance geis_instance, GeisGestureType *gesture_list)
 Unsubscribes to one or more gestures. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


Selects ALL input devices.

Typedef Documentation

An individual gesture attribute.

Gesture events are associated with a list of attributes, each of which is a (name, type, value) tuple. These attribute reveal a little piece of information about a gesture.

typedef void(* GeisGestureCallback) (void *cookie, GeisGestureType gesture_type, GeisGestureId gesture_id, GeisSize attr_count, GeisGestureAttr *attrs)

A callback used for different gesture events.

[in]cookiean application-specific value to be passed to the callback.
[in]gesture_typea gesture type
[in]gesture_ida unique gesture identifier

The set of callback functions invoked for various gesture-related events.

An application must define callback functions to handle the various gesture events. These callbacks are provided in a table passed to geis_subscribe for each window on which gesture events may occur.

Function Documentation

GeisStatus geis_subscribe ( GeisInstance  geis_instance,
GeisInputDeviceId *  input_list,
const char **  gesture_list,
GeisGestureFuncs funcs,
void *  cookie 

Registers a callback to receive gesture events.

[in]geis_instancean opaque pointer to a geis gesture subscription instance
[in]input_lista null-terminated list of input device IDs
[in]gesture_lista null-terminated list of C-style strings naming gestures for subscription
[in]funcsa pointer to a GeisGestureFuncs structure
[in]cookiean application specific value to be passed to the callback
Return values
GEIS_BAD_ARGUMENTan invalid argument value was passed
GEIS_STATUS_SUCCESSnormal successful completion
GeisStatus geis_unsubscribe ( GeisInstance  geis_instance,
GeisGestureType *  gesture_list 

Unsubscribes to one or more gestures.

[in]geis_instancean opaque pointer to a geis gesture subscription instance
[in]gesture_lista null-terminated list of gesture types