GEIS  2.0
Gesture Engine Interface Support
Gesture Subscription

Data Structures

class  GeisSubscription
 A gesture recognition subscription. More...


typedef int GeisSubscriptionFlags




GeisStatus geis_subscription_get_configuration (GeisSubscription subscription, GeisString config_item_name, GeisPointer config_item_value)
 Gets a subscription-level configuration item. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_set_configuration (GeisSubscription subscription, GeisString config_item_name, GeisPointer config_item_value)
 Sets a subscription-level configuration item. More...
GeisSubscription geis_subscription_new (Geis geis, GeisString name, GeisSubscriptionFlags flags)
 Creates a new subscription. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_delete (GeisSubscription subscription)
 Destroys a GEIS v2.0 subscription object. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_activate (GeisSubscription subscription)
 Activates a subscription. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_deactivate (GeisSubscription subscription)
 Deactivates a subscription. More...
GeisString geis_subscription_name (GeisSubscription subscription)
 Gets the name given to a subscription when it was created. More...
GeisInteger geis_subscription_id (GeisSubscription subscription)
 Gets the ID assigned to a subscription when it was created. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_add_filter (GeisSubscription subscription, GeisFilter filter)
 Adds a filter to a subscription. More...
GeisFilter geis_subscription_filter_by_name (GeisSubscription sub, GeisString name)
 Gets an named filter from a subscription. More...
GeisStatus geis_subscription_remove_filter (GeisSubscription subscription, GeisFilter filter)
 Removes a filter from a subscription. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

No special subscription processing: this is the default.


The subscription will "grab" all filtered gestures from subwindows.


The gesture engine will return gesture continuations, in which the class of a recognized gestire may change over the lifetime of the gesture.

If this flag is not set, a new gesture will be identified for each change in gesture class.

Function Documentation

GeisStatus geis_subscription_activate ( GeisSubscription  subscription)

Activates a subscription.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription.

Puts the subscription into the active state. Gesture events will be delivered for this subscription.

GeisStatus geis_subscription_add_filter ( GeisSubscription  subscription,
GeisFilter  filter 

Adds a filter to a subscription.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription.
[in]filterThe filter to be added to the subscription.

The effect of filters are ORed together so that, for example, a subscription that has a filter for 3-finger drag gestures and another for 2-finger pinch gestures will produce events for both 3-finger drag gestures and 2-finger pinch gestures.

The default is no filters: that is, all possible gesture events will be reported.

The subscription will take ownership of the filter.

GeisStatus geis_subscription_deactivate ( GeisSubscription  subscription)

Deactivates a subscription.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription.

Puts the subscription into the inactive state. Gesture events will not be delivered for this subscription.

GeisStatus geis_subscription_delete ( GeisSubscription  subscription)

Destroys a GEIS v2.0 subscription object.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription.
GeisFilter geis_subscription_filter_by_name ( GeisSubscription  sub,
GeisString  name 

Gets an named filter from a subscription.

[in]subThe subscription.
[in]nameNames the filter to retrieve.

Returns the first filter with the given name or NULL if no such named filter is found.

GeisStatus geis_subscription_get_configuration ( GeisSubscription  subscription,
GeisString  config_item_name,
GeisPointer  config_item_value 

Gets a subscription-level configuration item.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription from which the configuration item will be retrieved.
[in]config_item_nameThe name of the configuration item.
[out]config_item_valueA pointer to an appropriate variable to hold the retrieved config item value.

Not all back ends support all configuration items.

Return values
GEIS_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENTan invalid argument value was passed
GEIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDthe configuration value is not supported
GEIS_STATUS_SUCCESSnormal successful completion
GeisInteger geis_subscription_id ( GeisSubscription  subscription)

Gets the ID assigned to a subscription when it was created.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription.
GeisString geis_subscription_name ( GeisSubscription  subscription)

Gets the name given to a subscription when it was created.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription.
GeisSubscription geis_subscription_new ( Geis  geis,
GeisString  name,
GeisSubscriptionFlags  flags 

Creates a new subscription.

[in]geisThe GEIS API instance.
[in]nameA name.
[in]flagsSome flags.
a GeisSubscription object or NULL on failure.

A gesture subscription is required for any gesture events to be delivered from the GEIS API.

GeisStatus geis_subscription_remove_filter ( GeisSubscription  subscription,
GeisFilter  filter 

Removes a filter from a subscription.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription.
[in]filterThe filter to be removed from the subscription.

Ownership of the filter is passed to the caller.

GeisStatus geis_subscription_set_configuration ( GeisSubscription  subscription,
GeisString  config_item_name,
GeisPointer  config_item_value 

Sets a subscription-level configuration item.

[in]subscriptionThe subscription from which the configuration item will be retrieved.
[in]config_item_nameThe name of the configuration item.
[in]config_item_valueA pointer to an appropriate variable holding the config item value.

Not all back ends support all configuration items.

Return values
GEIS_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENTan invalid argument value was passed
GEIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDthe configuration value is not supported
GEIS_STATUS_SUCCESSnormal successful completion