blockmean |
L_2 (x,y,z) table data filter/decimator |
blockmedian |
L_1 (x,y,z) table data filter/decimator |
blockmode |
Mode estimate (x,y,z) table data filter/decimator |
filter1d |
Time domain filtering of 1-D data tables |
grdfilter |
Filter 2-D gridded data sets in the space domain |
Plotting of 1-D and 2-D Data |
gmtlogo |
Plot the GMT logo on maps |
grdcontour |
Contouring of 2-D gridded data sets |
grdimage |
Produce images from 2-D gridded data sets |
grdvector |
Plotting of 2-D gridded vector fields |
grdview |
3-D perspective imaging of 2-D gridded data sets |
psbasemap |
Create a basemap plot |
psclip |
Use polygon files to define clipping paths |
pscoast |
Plot (and fill) coastlines, borders, and rivers on maps |
pscontour |
Contour or image raw table data by triangulation |
pshistogram |
Plot a histogram |
psimage |
Plot Sun raster files on a map |
pslegend |
Plot a legend on a map |
psmask |
Create overlay to mask out regions on maps |
psrose |
Plot sector or rose diagrams |
psscale |
Plot gray scale or color scale on maps |
psternary |
Plot data on ternary diagrams |
pstext |
Plot text strings on maps |
pswiggle |
Draw table data time-series along track on maps |
psxy |
Plot symbols, polygons, and lines on maps |
psxyz |
Plot symbols, polygons, and lines in 3-D |
Gridding of Data Tables |
greenspline |
Interpolation with Green's functions for splines in 1--3 D |
nearneighbor |
Nearest-neighbor gridding scheme |
sphinterpolate |
Spherical gridding in tension of data on a sphere |
surface |
A continuous curvature gridding algorithm |
triangulate |
Perform optimal Delauney triangulation and gridding |
Sampling of 1-D and 2-D Data |
gmtsimplify |
Line reduction using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm |
grdsample |
Resample a 2-D gridded data set onto a new grid |
grdtrack |
Sample 2-D gridded data sets at specified (x,y) locations |
sample1d |
Resampling of 1-D table data sets |
Projection and Map-transformation |
grdproject |
Project gridded data sets onto a new coordinate system |
mapproject |
Transformation of coordinate systems for table data |
project |
Project table data onto lines or great circles |
Retrieve Information |
gmtdefaults |
List the current default settings |
gmtget |
Retrieve selected parameters in current file |
gmtinfo |
Get information about table data files |
gmtset |
Change selected parameters in current file |
grdinfo |
Get information about grid files |
Mathematical Operations on Tables or Grids |
gmtmath |
Mathematical operations on table data |
makecpt |
Make color palette tables |
spectrum1d |
Compute various spectral estimates from time-series |
sph2grd |
Compute grid from spherical harmonic coefficients |
sphdistance |
Create grid of NN or distances to nearest points on a sphere |
sphtriangulate |
Delaunay or Voronoi construction of spherical (lon,lat) data |
Convert or Extract Subsets of Data |
gmtconnect |
Connect segments into more complete lines or polygons |
gmtconvert |
Convert data tables from one format to another |
gmtselect |
Select subsets of table data based on multiple spatial criteria |
gmtspatial |
Geospatial operations on lines and polygons |
gmtvector |
Operations on Cartesian vectors in 2-D and 3-D |
grd2rgb |
Convert Sun raster or grid file to red, green, blue component grids |
grd2xyz |
Conversion from 2-D grid file to table data |
grdblend |
Blend several partially over-lapping grid files onto one grid |
grdconvert |
Converts grid files into other grid formats |
grdcut |
Cut a sub-region from a grid file |
grdpaste |
Paste together grid files along a common edge |
splitxyz |
Split xyz files into several segments |
xyz2grd |
Convert an equidistant table xyz file to a 2-D grid file |
Determine Trends in 1-D and 2-D Data |
fitcircle |
Finds the best-fitting great or small circle for a set of points |
gmtregress |
Linear regression of 1-D data sets |
grdtrack |
Sample 2-D gridded data sets at specified (x,y) locations |
trend1d |
Fits polynomial or Fourier trends to y = f(x) series |
trend2d |
Fits polynomial trends to z = f(x,y) series |
Other Operations on 2-D Grids |
grd2cpt |
Make color palette table from a grid files |
grdclip |
Limit the z-range in gridded data sets |
grdedit |
Modify header information in a 2-D grid file |
grdfft |
Perform operations on grid files in the frequency domain |
grdgradient |
Compute directional gradient from grid files |
grdhisteq |
Histogram equalization for grid files |
grdlandmask |
Create masking grid files from shoreline data base |
grdmask |
Reset grid nodes in/outside a clip path to constants |
grdmath |
Mathematical operations on grid files |
grdvolume |
Calculate volumes under a surface within specified contour |
Miscellaneous Tools |
gmt2kml |
Like psxy but plots KML for use in Google Earth |
kml2gmt |
Extracts coordinates from Google Earth KML files |
psconvert |
Crop and convert PostScript files to raster images, EPS, and PDF |