Chapter 11. Setting Up the Quote Retrieval

Table of Contents

11.1. Installing Perl
11.2. Installing Finance::Quote
11.3. Helper Scripts for Update and Diagnostics
11.3.1. gnc-fq-check
11.3.2. gnc-fq-update
11.3.3. gnc-fq-dump
11.3.4. gnc-fq-helper
11.4. Configuring for Getting Quotes Periodically


If you have more than a couple of commodities, you will tire of having to update their quotes constantly. GnuCash has the ability to automatically download the most recent quote for your commodities using the Internet. This is accomplished through the Perl module Finance::Quote, which must be installed in order to activate this feature.

Prerequisites for an Online Quote update with Finance::Quote are


If you get stuck while performing the steps described here, you can reach many helpful users on the channels mentioned under Section 2.1.4, “GnuCash On-line Assistance”.

You can also leave out this step and manually update your stock quotes.