x y pointsize pointtype colorAny columns beyond the first two (x and y) are optional; they correspond to additional plot properties pointsize variable, pointtype variable, etc.
The first 8 point types are shared by all terminals. Individual terminals may provide a much larger number of distinct point types. Use the test command to show what is provided by the current terminal settings.
Alternatively any single printable character may be given instead of a
numerical point type, as in the example below. You may use any unicode
character as the pointtype (assumes utf8 support). See escape sequences (p. ).
Longer strings may be plotted using plot style labels rather than points.
plot f(x) with points pt "#" plot d(x) with points pt "\U+2299"
When using the keywords pointtype, pointsize, or linecolor in a plot
command, the additional keyword variable may be given instead of a number.
In this case the corresponding properties of each point are assigned by
additional columns of input data. Variable pointsize is always taken from the
first additional column provided in a using spec. Variable color is always
taken from the last additional column. See colorspec (p. ). If all three properties
are specified for each point, the order of input data columns is thus
plot DATA using x:y:pointsize:pointtype:color \ with points lc variable pt variable ps variable
Note: for information on user-defined program variables, see variables (p. ).