- Inside the bracketed clause of an iteration, continue jumps immediately
to the next iteration, break immediately exits from the iteration
- toggle {4#4plotno5#5 3#3 "plottitle" 3#3 all}" interactively enables or disables
display of one element of the current plot (see toggle (p.
- save fit replaces deprecated command update
- set table "outfile.name" append will append subsequent tabulated plots to
an existing text file rather replacing its contents
- set pm3d lighting describes a lighting model with specular highlighting
(see lighting (p.
- set minussign tells gnuplot to use a special symbol in the current
encoding to replace the ascii character '-' in negative numbers
- set micro tells gnuplot to use a special symbol in the current encoding to
replace the ascii character 'u' for the scientific notation prefix "micro"
The special typographic symbols for micro and minussign are used only in axis
tic labels and strings explicitly created with gprintf(). The byte sequence
used to represent these characters depends on the current encoding.