set autoscale {<axis>{|min|max|fixmin|fixmax|fix} | fix | keepfix} set autoscale noextend unset autoscale {<axis>} show autoscale
where 4#4axis5#5 is x, y, z, cb, x2, y2, xy, or paxis 4#4p5#5. Appending min or max to the axis name tells gnuplot to autoscale only the minimum or maximum of that axis.
If no axis name is given, all axes are autoscaled.
Autoscaling the independent axes (x for plot and x,y for splot) adjusts the axis range to match the data being plotted. If the plot contains only functions (no input data), autoscaling these axes has no effect.
Autoscaling the dependent axis (y for a plot and z for splot) adjusts the axis range to match the data or function being plotted.
Adjustment of the axis range includes extending it to the next tic mark;
i.e. unless the extreme data coordinate exactly matches a tic mark, there
will be some blank space between the data and the plot border.
Addition of this extra space can be suppressed by noextend.
It can be further increased by the command set offset.
Please see set xrange (p. ) and set offsets (p.
) for additional information.
The behavior of autoscaling remains consistent in parametric mode, (see
set parametric (p. )). However, there are more dependent variables and hence more
control over x, y, and z axis scales. In parametric mode, the independent or
dummy variable is t for plots and u,v for splots. autoscale in
parametric mode, then, controls all ranges (t, u, v, x, y, and z) and allows
x, y, and z to be fully autoscaled.
When tics are displayed on second axes but no plot has been specified for
those axes, x2range and y2range are inherited from xrange and yrange. This
is done before applying offsets or autoextending the ranges to a whole
number of tics, which can cause unexpected results. To prevent this you can
explicitly link the secondary axis range to the primary axis range.
See set link (p. ).