set object <index> circle {at|center} <position> size <radius> {arc [<begin>:<end>]} {no{wedge}} {<other-object-properties>}
The position of the circle is specified by giving the position of the center
center followed by the radius. The keywords at and center are synonyms.
In 2D plots the position and radius may be given in any coordinate system.
See coordinates (p. ). Circles in 3D plots cannot use graph coordinates.
In all cases the radius is calculated relative to the horizontal scale of the
axis, graph, or canvas. Any disparity between the horizontal and vertical
scaling will be corrected for so that the result is always a circle.
If you want to draw a circle in plot coordinates (such that it will appear as
an ellipse if the horizontal and vertical scales are different), use
set object ellipse instead.
By default a full circle is drawn. The optional qualifier arc specifies a starting angle and ending angle, in degrees, for one arc of the circle. The arc is always drawn counterclockwise.
See also set style circle (p. ), set object ellipse (p.