A single gray/color value (i.e. not a gradient) is assigned to each quadrangle.
This value is calculated from the z-coordinates the four quadrangle corners
according to corners2color 4#4option5#5. The value is then used to select a
color from the current palette. See set palette (p. ).
It is not possible to change palettes inside a single splot command.
If a fourth column of data is provided, the coloring of individual quadrangles
works as above except that the color value is distinct from the z value.
As a separate coloring option, the fourth data column may provide instead
an RGB color. See rgbcolor variable (p. ). In this case the plotting command
must be
splot ... using 1:2:3:4 with pm3d lc rgb variable
Notice that ranges of z-values and color-values for surfaces are adjustable
independently by set zrange, set cbrange, set log z, set log cb, etc.