set title {"<title-text>"} {offset <offset>} {font "<font>{,<size>}"} {{textcolor | tc} {<colorspec> | default}} {{no}enhanced} show title
If 4#4offset5#5 is specified by either x,y or x,y,z the title is moved by the
given offset. It may be preceded by first, second, graph, screen,
or character to select the coordinate system. See coordinates (p. ) for
details. By default, the character coordinate system is used. For
example, "set title offset 0,-1" will change only the y offset of the
title, moving the title down by roughly the height of one character. The
size of a character depends on both the font and the terminal.
4#4font5#5 is used to specify the font with which the title is to be written; the units of the font 4#4size5#5 depend upon which terminal is used.
textcolor 4#4colorspec5#5 changes the color of the text. 4#4colorspec5#5 can be a
linetype, an rgb color, or a palette mapping. See help for colorspec (p. ) and
palette (p.
noenhanced requests that the title not be processed by the enhanced text mode parser, even if enhanced text mode is currently active.
set title with no parameters clears the title.
See syntax (p. ) for details about the processing of backslash sequences and
the distinction between single- and double-quotes.