Interface ResolutionControl<A,B>

Type Parameters:
A - The type of the request object for this resolution
B - The type of the result of this resolution
All Known Subinterfaces:
ArtifactResolutionControl, DependencyResolutionControl, ModuleResolutionControl

@Incubating public interface ResolutionControl<A,B>
Command methods for controlling dependency resolution via the DSL.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    cacheFor(int value, TimeUnit units)
    States that the cached value should be used if it is no older than the specified duration.
    Returns the cached result file or null if the result has not been cached.
    Returns the query object that was requested in this resolution.
    States that any cached value should be ignored, forcing a fresh resolve.
    States that the cached value should be used regardless of age.
  • Method Details

    • getRequest

      A getRequest()
      Returns the query object that was requested in this resolution.
      the request object
    • getCachedResult

      @Nullable B getCachedResult()
      Returns the cached result file or null if the result has not been cached.
      the cached result
    • cacheFor

      void cacheFor(int value, TimeUnit units)
      States that the cached value should be used if it is no older than the specified duration.
      value - The number of units
      units - The time units
    • useCachedResult

      void useCachedResult()
      States that the cached value should be used regardless of age. If not cachedResult is available, resolution should fail.
    • refresh

      void refresh()
      States that any cached value should be ignored, forcing a fresh resolve.