Interface MavenResolver

All Superinterfaces:
ArtifactRepository, PomFilterContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
GroovyMavenDeployer, MavenDeployer

public interface MavenResolver extends ArtifactRepository, PomFilterContainer
An ArtifactRepository which can be used to publish artifacts to Maven repositories.
  • Method Details

    • getSettings

      Object getSettings()
      Returns a Maven settings object. This can be used for example to figure out where the local repository is located. This property is populated on demand.
    • beforeDeployment

      void beforeDeployment(Action<? super MavenDeployment> action)
      Adds an action to be executed immediately before a deployment to this resolver. The action is executed after all artifacts have been build, including generation of the POM. The action can modify the set of artifacts to be deployed.
      action - The action to execute.
    • beforeDeployment

      void beforeDeployment(Closure action)
      Adds a closure to be executed immediately before a deployment to this resolver. The closure is passed a MavenDeployment as a parameter. The closure is executed after all artifacts have been build, including generation of the POM. The closure can modify the set of artifacts to be deployed.
      action - The closure to execute.