
Source code for heat.engine.clients.os.zun

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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from oslo_config import cfg
import tenacity
from zunclient import client as zun_client
from zunclient import exceptions as zc_exc

from heat.engine.clients import client_plugin


[docs]class ZunClientPlugin(client_plugin.ClientPlugin): service_types = [CONTAINER] = ['container'] default_version = '1.12' supported_versions = [ V1_12, V1_18, V1_36, ] = [ '1.12', '1.18', '1.36', ] def _create(self, version=None): if not version: version = self.default_version interface = self._get_client_option(CLIENT_NAME, 'endpoint_type') args = { 'interface': interface, 'service_type': self.CONTAINER, 'session': self.context.keystone_session, 'region_name': self._get_region_name() } client = zun_client.Client(version, **args) return client
[docs] def update_container(self, container_id, **prop_diff): if prop_diff: self.client(version=self.V1_18).containers.update( container_id, **prop_diff)
[docs] def network_detach(self, container_id, port_id): with self.ignore_not_found: self.client(version=self.V1_18).containers.network_detach( container_id, port=port_id) return True
[docs] def network_attach(self, container_id, port_id=None, net_id=None, fip=None, security_groups=None): with self.ignore_not_found: kwargs = {} if port_id: kwargs['port'] = port_id if net_id: kwargs['network'] = net_id if fip: kwargs['fixed_ip'] = fip self.client(version=self.V1_18).containers.network_attach( container_id, **kwargs) return True
[docs] @tenacity.retry( stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt( cfg.CONF.max_interface_check_attempts), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=0.5, max=12.0), retry=tenacity.retry_if_result(client_plugin.retry_if_result_is_false)) def check_network_detach(self, container_id, port_id): with self.ignore_not_found: interfaces = self.client( version=self.V1_18).containers.network_list(container_id) for iface in interfaces: if iface.port_id == port_id: return False return True
[docs] @tenacity.retry( stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt( cfg.CONF.max_interface_check_attempts), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=0.5, max=12.0), retry=tenacity.retry_if_result(client_plugin.retry_if_result_is_false)) def check_network_attach(self, container_id, port_id): if not port_id: return True interfaces = self.client(version=self.V1_18).containers.network_list( container_id) for iface in interfaces: if iface.port_id == port_id: return True return False
[docs] def is_not_found(self, ex): return isinstance(ex, zc_exc.NotFound)
[docs] def is_over_limit(self, ex): return isinstance(ex, zc_exc.RequestEntityTooLarge)
[docs] def is_conflict(self, ex): return isinstance(ex, zc_exc.Conflict)
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