
Source code for heat.objects.stack

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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"""Stack object."""

from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_versionedobjects import base
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields

from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common import identifier
from heat.db.sqlalchemy import api as db_api
from heat.objects import base as heat_base
from heat.objects import fields as heat_fields
from heat.objects import raw_template
from heat.objects import stack_tag

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Stack( heat_base.HeatObject, base.VersionedObjectDictCompat, base.ComparableVersionedObject, ): fields = { 'id': fields.StringField(), 'name': fields.StringField(), 'raw_template_id': fields.IntegerField(), 'backup': fields.BooleanField(), 'created_at': fields.DateTimeField(read_only=True), 'deleted_at': fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True), 'disable_rollback': fields.BooleanField(), 'nested_depth': fields.IntegerField(), 'owner_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'stack_user_project_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'tenant': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'timeout': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True), 'updated_at': fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True), 'user_creds_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'username': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'action': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'status': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'status_reason': fields.StringField(nullable=True), 'raw_template_obj': fields.ObjectField('RawTemplate'), 'convergence': fields.BooleanField(), 'current_traversal': fields.StringField(), 'current_deps': heat_fields.JsonField(), 'prev_raw_template_id': fields.IntegerField(), 'prev_raw_template': fields.ObjectField('RawTemplate'), 'parent_resource_name': fields.StringField(nullable=True), } @staticmethod def _from_db_object(context, stack, db_stack): for field in stack.fields: if field == 'raw_template_obj': raw_template_obj = db_stack.__dict__.get('raw_template') if raw_template_obj is not None: # Object is already lazy loaded raw_template_obj = ( raw_template.RawTemplate.from_db_object( context, raw_template.RawTemplate(), raw_template_obj)) stack._raw_template = raw_template_obj else: stack[field] = db_stack.__dict__.get(field) stack._context = context stack.obj_reset_changes() return stack @property def raw_template(self): if hasattr(self, '_raw_template'): return self._raw_template LOG.warning('Loading a raw_template that should have been ' 'eagerly loaded for stack id %s' % self.id) self._raw_template = raw_template.RawTemplate.get_by_id( self._context, self['raw_template_id']) return self._raw_template @raw_template.setter def raw_template(self, value): self['raw_template_obj'] = value self._raw_template = value
[docs] @classmethod def get_root_id(cls, context, stack_id): return db_api.stack_get_root_id(context, stack_id)
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, context, stack_id, **kwargs): db_stack = db_api.stack_get(context, stack_id, **kwargs) if not db_stack: return None stack = cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_stack) return stack
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_name_and_owner_id(cls, context, stack_name, owner_id): db_stack = db_api.stack_get_by_name_and_owner_id( context, str(stack_name), owner_id ) if not db_stack: return None stack = cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_stack) return stack
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_name(cls, context, stack_name): db_stack = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, str(stack_name)) if not db_stack: return None stack = cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_stack) return stack
[docs] @classmethod def get_all(cls, context, limit=None, sort_keys=None, marker=None, sort_dir=None, filters=None, show_deleted=False, show_nested=False, show_hidden=False, tags=None, tags_any=None, not_tags=None, not_tags_any=None, eager_load=False): db_stacks = db_api.stack_get_all( context, limit=limit, sort_keys=sort_keys, marker=marker, sort_dir=sort_dir, filters=filters, show_deleted=show_deleted, show_nested=show_nested, show_hidden=show_hidden, tags=tags, tags_any=tags_any, not_tags=not_tags, not_tags_any=not_tags_any, eager_load=eager_load) for db_stack in db_stacks: try: yield cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_stack) except exception.NotFound: pass
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_by_owner_id(cls, context, owner_id): db_stacks = db_api.stack_get_all_by_owner_id(context, owner_id) for db_stack in db_stacks: try: yield cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_stack) except exception.NotFound: pass
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_by_root_owner_id(cls, context, root_owner_id): db_stacks = db_api.stack_get_all_by_root_owner_id(context, root_owner_id) for db_stack in db_stacks: try: yield cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_stack) except exception.NotFound: pass
[docs] @classmethod def count_all(cls, context, **kwargs): return db_api.stack_count_all(context, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def count_total_resources(cls, context, stack_id): return db_api.stack_count_total_resources(context, stack_id)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, context, values): return cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_api.stack_create(context, values))
[docs] @classmethod def update_by_id(cls, context, stack_id, values): """Update and return (boolean) if it was updated. Note: the underlying stack_update filters by current_traversal and stack_id. """ return db_api.stack_update(context, stack_id, values)
[docs] @classmethod def select_and_update(cls, context, stack_id, values, exp_trvsl=None): """Update the stack by selecting on traversal ID. Uses UPDATE ... WHERE (compare and swap) to catch any concurrent update problem. If the stack is found with given traversal, it is updated. If there occurs a race while updating, only one will succeed and other will get return value of False. """ return db_api.stack_update(context, stack_id, values, exp_trvsl=exp_trvsl)
[docs] @classmethod def persist_state_and_release_lock(cls, context, stack_id, engine_id, values): return db_api.persist_state_and_release_lock(context, stack_id, engine_id, values)
[docs] @classmethod def delete(cls, context, stack_id): db_api.stack_delete(context, stack_id)
[docs] def update_and_save(self, values): has_updated = self.__class__.update_by_id(self._context, self.id, values) if not has_updated: raise exception.NotFound(_('Attempt to update a stack with id: ' '%(id)s %(traversal)s %(msg)s') % { 'id': self.id, 'traversal': self.current_traversal, 'msg': 'that does not exist'})
def __eq__(self, another): self.refresh() # to make test object comparison work well return super(Stack, self).__eq__(another) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def refresh(self): db_stack = db_api.stack_get( self._context, self.id, show_deleted=True) if db_stack is None: message = _('No stack exists with id "%s"') % str(self.id) raise exception.NotFound(message) return self.__class__._from_db_object( self._context, self, db_stack )
[docs] @classmethod def encrypt_hidden_parameters(cls, tmpl): raw_template.RawTemplate.encrypt_hidden_parameters(tmpl)
[docs] @classmethod def get_status(cls, context, stack_id): """Return action and status for the given stack.""" return db_api.stack_get_status(context, stack_id)
[docs] def identifier(self): """Return an identifier for this stack.""" return identifier.HeatIdentifier(self.tenant, self.name, self.id)
@property def tags(self): return stack_tag.StackTagList.get(self._context, self.id)
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