JTA - Telnet/SSH for the JAVA(tm) platform: Status Plugin

© 1996-2000 Matthias L. Jugel and Marcus Meißner

Version 2.0 / Java 2 and 1.1.x
Available under GNU General Public License

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Status Plugin

The status plugin displays status information about the connection. It tells the user whether the program is online or offline and the name of the host it is connected to. It uses symbolic names instead of port numbers to inform the user which port it uses.

Additionally it can display info text in the status line that is read from a URL.

This plugin must be put before the lowest level Socket plugin!

You can configure the plugin using the following properties:

Property Documentation
Status.info A URL pointing to a text file that is used to display additional information in the status line. If the text file contains more than one line each line is displayed 1/10 of the re-read interval. Additionally, if a line starts with "#XXXXXX" where "XXXXXX" is a hexadecimal color code. The line is displayed with that foreground color, overriding the default.
Status.font Set the font name of for the status line.
Status.fontSize The size of the font to be used in the status line.
Status.fontStyle The font style may be plain, bold, italic or "bold+italic".
Status.foreground The foreground color of the status text.
Status.background The background color of the status text
Status.interval The interval to re-read the URL. This value is in seconds.
Additional Programmer Documentation is available:
This is the programmer documentation for the plugin. Use it as an example if you want to write your own back end plugins.
This plugins uses some of the events and listeners described here.
Copyright 1996-2000 Matthias L. Jugel, Marcus Meißner
$Id: Status.html 500 2005-10-07 09:15:07Z leo $