krb5_merge_authdata - Merge two authorization data lists into a new list.

krb5_error_code krb5_merge_authdata(krb5_context context, krb5_authdata *const *inauthdat1, krb5_authdata *const *inauthdat2, krb5_authdata ***outauthdat)

[in] context - Library context

[in] inauthdat1 - First list of krb5_authdata structures

[in] inauthdat2 - Second list of krb5_authdata structures

[out] outauthdat - Merged list of krb5_authdata structures

  • 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes

Merge two authdata arrays, such as the array from a ticket and authenticator. Use krb5_free_authdata() to free outauthdat when it is no longer needed.


The last array entry in inauthdat1 and inauthdat2 must be a NULL pointer.