ALSA project - the C library reference
Macros | Functions
pcm_meter.c File Reference

Helper functions for SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scopes. More...

Include dependency graph for pcm_meter.c:


#define atomic_read(ptr)   __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST )
#define atomic_add(ptr, n)   __atomic_add_fetch(ptr, n, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define atomic_dec(ptr)   __atomic_sub_fetch(ptr, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)


int snd_pcm_meter_add_scope (snd_pcm_t *pcm, snd_pcm_scope_t *scope)
 Add a scope to a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
snd_pcm_scope_tsnd_pcm_meter_search_scope (snd_pcm_t *pcm, const char *name)
 Search an installed scope inside a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
snd_pcm_uframes_t snd_pcm_meter_get_bufsize (snd_pcm_t *pcm)
 Get meter buffer size from a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
unsigned int snd_pcm_meter_get_channels (snd_pcm_t *pcm)
 Get meter channels from a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
unsigned int snd_pcm_meter_get_rate (snd_pcm_t *pcm)
 Get meter rate from a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
snd_pcm_uframes_t snd_pcm_meter_get_now (snd_pcm_t *pcm)
 Get meter "now" frame pointer from a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
snd_pcm_uframes_t snd_pcm_meter_get_boundary (snd_pcm_t *pcm)
 Get boundary for frame pointers from a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
void snd_pcm_scope_set_name (snd_pcm_scope_t *scope, const char *val)
 Set name of a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scope. More...
const char * snd_pcm_scope_get_name (snd_pcm_scope_t *scope)
 Get name of a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scope. More...
void snd_pcm_scope_set_ops (snd_pcm_scope_t *scope, const snd_pcm_scope_ops_t *val)
 Set callbacks for a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scope. More...
void * snd_pcm_scope_get_callback_private (snd_pcm_scope_t *scope)
 Get callbacks private value for a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scope. More...
void snd_pcm_scope_set_callback_private (snd_pcm_scope_t *scope, void *val)
 Get callbacks private value for a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scope. More...
int snd_pcm_scope_s16_open (snd_pcm_t *pcm, const char *name, snd_pcm_scope_t **scopep)
 Add a s16 pseudo scope to a SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM. More...
int16_t * snd_pcm_scope_s16_get_channel_buffer (snd_pcm_scope_t *scope, unsigned int channel)
 Get s16 pseudo scope frames buffer for a channel. More...
int snd_pcm_scope_malloc (snd_pcm_scope_t **ptr)
 allocate an invalid snd_pcm_scope_t using standard malloc More...

Detailed Description

Helper functions for SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scopes.

Abramo Bagnara

Helper functions for SND_PCM_TYPE_METER PCM scopes