Package org.biojava.nbio.structure.rcsb
package org.biojava.nbio.structure.rcsb
ClassesClassDescriptionTODO Move this to
.Utility classes for retrieving lists of PDB IDs.Corresponds to the wrapper element in an RCSBdescribeMol
XML file.Fetches information from RCSB's RESTful Web Service Interface.Corresponds to a ligand in aligandInfo
XML file.Corresponds to the wrapper element "ligandInfo" in an RCSBligandInfo
XML file.Fetches information from RCSB's RESTful Web Service Interface.Corresponds to a macromolecule in an RCSBdescribeMol
XML file.Corresponds to a polymer in adescribeMol
XML file.Corresponds to a taxonomy in adescribeMol
XML file.Package-level static utilities for parsing XML.