// Copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2016 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Make sure `assert` always triggers an assertion #ifdef NDEBUG # undef NDEBUG #endif //! [full] #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hana = boost::hana; //! [cases] template auto case_ = [](auto f) { return hana::make_pair(hana::type_c, f); }; struct default_t; auto default_ = case_; //! [cases] //! [process] template auto process(Any&, std::type_index const&, Default& default_) { return default_(); } template auto process(Any& a, std::type_index const& t, Default& default_, Case& case_, Rest& ...rest) { using T = typename decltype(+hana::first(case_))::type; return t == typeid(T) ? hana::second(case_)(*boost::unsafe_any_cast(&a)) : process(a, t, default_, rest...); } //! [process] //! [switch_] template auto switch_(Any& a) { return [&a](auto ...cases_) { auto cases = hana::make_tuple(cases_...); auto default_ = hana::find_if(cases, [](auto const& c) { return hana::first(c) == hana::type_c; }); static_assert(default_ != hana::nothing, "switch is missing a default_ case"); auto rest = hana::filter(cases, [](auto const& c) { return hana::first(c) != hana::type_c; }); return hana::unpack(rest, [&](auto& ...rest) { return process(a, a.type(), hana::second(*default_), rest...); }); }; } //! [switch_] //! [full] int main() { using namespace std::literals; { //! [usage] boost::any a = 'x'; std::string r = switch_(a)( case_([](auto i) { return "int: "s + std::to_string(i); }), case_([](auto c) { return "char: "s + std::string{c}; }), default_([] { return "unknown"s; }) ); assert(r == "char: x"s); //! [usage] }{ //! [result_inference] boost::any a = 'x'; auto r = switch_(a)( case_([](auto) -> int { return 1; }), case_([](auto) -> long { return 2l; }), default_([]() -> long long { return 3ll; }) ); // r is inferred to be a long long static_assert(std::is_same{}, ""); assert(r == 2ll); //! [result_inference] } }