Package org.exolab.castor.builder

Castor XML code generator

$Revision: 6713 $
Keith Visco
Arnaud Blandin

This package is primarily used with Castor XML, however some people do use it for Castor JDO. Some incompatabilities may exist.

The class SourceGenerator is used for creating Java source code from an XML Schema. Currently the version of XML Schema that is supported by the SourceGenerator is a subset of the W3C XML Schema 1.0 Recommendation (20010502). A binding file can be used to customize the generated sources. More information may be obtained in the Castor documentation.

The class SourceGeneratorMain is the main(String[]) entry point used when invoking the source generator from the command line. This class parses the command-line arguments, sets up the proper configuration, and then passes control to org.exolab.castor.builder.SourceGenerator.

The file org/exolab/castor/builder/ is used for configuring some advanced options.

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