Package org.exolab.castor.persist

The Castor persistence engine handles object persistence, object caching, transaction concurrency and locking. This package is not used directly by application developer, and includes the interfaces, implementations and persistence exceptions.

$Revision: 6230 $ $Date: 2004-02-13 14:13:22 -0700 (Fri, 13 Feb 2004) $
Assaf Arkin

The persistence engine API is used by the application APIs (JDO, CMP, DAX) to implement caching, queries, transactions and concurrency, etc. This layer is shared by all persistence engine and exposes a unified interface for use as a persistence engine for EJB CMP.

An application API will use a TransactionContext in order to perform operations. All operations against the persistence engine are transactional. The persistence engine is obtained through the PersistenceEngineFactory class which returns a LockEngine. The factory requires a factory of persistence SPIs (see SPI.

LockEngine implements a persistence engine that caches objects in memory for performance, and eliminates the number of persistent storage operations. In order to speed up interaction between the engines and the object, ClassMolder is constructed to represent a flat view of the object graph that is efficient to process.

If the application API supports enlistment as an XA resource, it will use XAResourceImpl and implement XAResourceSource for automatic enlistment/delistment with a transaction context.

The remainder of this package are persistence exceptions and the concurrency engine implementation.

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