Colt 1.2.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DoubleDoubleFunction
cern.colt.matrix Matrix interfaces and factories; efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2, 3 and d-dimensional matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc; Templated, fixed sized (not dynamically resizable); Also known as multi-dimensional arrays or Data Cubes
cern.colt.matrix.impl Matrix implementations; You normally need not look at this package, because all concrete classes implement the abstract interfaces of cern.colt.matrix, without subsetting or supersetting
cern.colt.matrix.linalg Linear Algebraic matrix computations operating on DoubleMatrix2D and DoubleMatrix1D
cern.jet.math Tools for basic and advanced mathematics: Arithmetics and Algebra, Polynomials and Chebyshev series, Bessel and Airy functions, Function Objects for generic function evaluation, etc. 
hep.aida.bin Multisets (bags) with efficient statistics operations defined upon; This package requires the Colt distribution. 

Uses of DoubleDoubleFunction in cern.colt.matrix

Methods in cern.colt.matrix with parameters of type DoubleDoubleFunction
 double DoubleMatrix3D.aggregate(DoubleDoubleFunction aggr, DoubleFunction f)
          Applies a function to each cell and aggregates the results.
 double DoubleMatrix3D.aggregate(DoubleMatrix3D other, DoubleDoubleFunction aggr, DoubleDoubleFunction f)
          Applies a function to each corresponding cell of two matrices and aggregates the results.
 DoubleMatrix3D DoubleMatrix3D.assign(DoubleMatrix3D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).
 double DoubleMatrix2D.aggregate(DoubleDoubleFunction aggr, DoubleFunction f)
          Applies a function to each cell and aggregates the results.
 double DoubleMatrix2D.aggregate(DoubleMatrix2D other, DoubleDoubleFunction aggr, DoubleDoubleFunction f)
          Applies a function to each corresponding cell of two matrices and aggregates the results.
 DoubleMatrix2D DoubleMatrix2D.assign(DoubleMatrix2D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).
 double DoubleMatrix1D.aggregate(DoubleDoubleFunction aggr, DoubleFunction f)
          Applies a function to each cell and aggregates the results.
 double DoubleMatrix1D.aggregate(DoubleMatrix1D other, DoubleDoubleFunction aggr, DoubleDoubleFunction f)
          Applies a function to each corresponding cell of two matrices and aggregates the results.
 DoubleMatrix1D DoubleMatrix1D.assign(DoubleMatrix1D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[i] = function(x[i],y[i]).
 DoubleMatrix1D DoubleMatrix1D.assign(DoubleMatrix1D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function, IntArrayList nonZeroIndexes)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[i] = function(x[i],y[i]).

Uses of DoubleDoubleFunction in cern.colt.matrix.impl

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.impl with parameters of type DoubleDoubleFunction
 DoubleMatrix2D SparseDoubleMatrix2D.assign(DoubleMatrix2D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
 DoubleMatrix2D RCDoubleMatrix2D.assign(DoubleMatrix2D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
 DoubleMatrix2D DenseDoubleMatrix2D.assign(DoubleMatrix2D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).
 DoubleMatrix1D DenseDoubleMatrix1D.assign(DoubleMatrix1D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[i] = function(x[i],y[i]).

Uses of DoubleDoubleFunction in cern.colt.matrix.linalg

Methods in cern.colt.matrix.linalg with parameters of type DoubleDoubleFunction
 void SmpBlas.assign(DoubleMatrix2D A, DoubleMatrix2D B, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
 void SeqBlas.assign(DoubleMatrix2D A, DoubleMatrix2D B, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
 void Blas.assign(DoubleMatrix2D x, DoubleMatrix2D y, DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Assigns the result of a function to each cell; x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col]).

Uses of DoubleDoubleFunction in cern.jet.math

Classes in cern.jet.math that implement DoubleDoubleFunction
 class PlusMult
          Only for performance tuning of compute intensive linear algebraic computations.

Fields in cern.jet.math declared as DoubleDoubleFunction
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.atan2
          Function that returns Math.atan2(a,b).
static DoubleDoubleFunction
          Function that returns a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.div
          Function that returns a / b.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.equals
          Function that returns a == b ? 1 : 0.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.greater
          Function that returns a > b ? 1 : 0.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.IEEEremainder
          Function that returns Math.IEEEremainder(a,b).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.less
          Function that returns a < b ? 1 : 0.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.lg
          Function that returns Math.log(a) / Math.log(b).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.max
          Function that returns Math.max(a,b).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.min
          Function that returns Math.min(a,b).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.minus
          Function that returns a - b.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.mod
          Function that returns a % b.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.mult
          Function that returns a * b.
static DoubleDoubleFunction
          Function that returns a + b.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.plusAbs
          Function that returns Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.pow
          Function that returns Math.pow(a,b).

Methods in cern.jet.math that return DoubleDoubleFunction
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.chain(DoubleDoubleFunction f, DoubleFunction g, DoubleFunction h)
          Constructs the function f( g(a), h(b) ).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.chain(DoubleFunction g, DoubleDoubleFunction h)
          Constructs the function g( h(a,b) ).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.minusMult(double constant)
          Constructs a function that returns a - b*constant.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.plusMult(double constant)
          Constructs a function that returns a + b*constant.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.swapArgs(DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Constructs a function that returns function.apply(b,a), i.e.

Methods in cern.jet.math with parameters of type DoubleDoubleFunction
static DoubleFunction Functions.bindArg1(DoubleDoubleFunction function, double c)
          Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the first operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c.
static DoubleFunction Functions.bindArg2(DoubleDoubleFunction function, double c)
          Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the second operand (argument) fixed to the given constant c.
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.chain(DoubleDoubleFunction f, DoubleFunction g, DoubleFunction h)
          Constructs the function f( g(a), h(b) ).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.chain(DoubleFunction g, DoubleDoubleFunction h)
          Constructs the function g( h(a,b) ).
static DoubleDoubleFunction Functions.swapArgs(DoubleDoubleFunction function)
          Constructs a function that returns function.apply(b,a), i.e.

Uses of DoubleDoubleFunction in hep.aida.bin

Methods in hep.aida.bin with parameters of type DoubleDoubleFunction
 double DynamicBin1D.aggregate(DoubleDoubleFunction aggr, DoubleFunction f)
          Applies a function to each element and aggregates the results.

Colt 1.2.0

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