Class CursorableLinkedList.Cursor

    • Constructor Detail

      • Cursor

        protected Cursor​(CursorableLinkedList parent,
                         int index)
        Constructs a new cursor.
        index - the index to start from
    • Method Detail

      • remove

        public void remove()
        Removes the item last returned by this iterator.

        There may have been subsequent alterations to the list since you obtained this item, however you can still remove it. You can even remove it if the item is no longer in the main list. However, you can't call this method on the same iterator more than once without calling next() or previous().

        Specified by:
        remove in interface Iterator
        Specified by:
        remove in interface ListIterator
        remove in class AbstractLinkedList.LinkedListIterator
        IllegalStateException - if there is no item to remove
      • nodeChanged

        protected void nodeChanged​(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
        Handle event from the list when a node has changed.
        node - the node that changed
      • nodeRemoved

        protected void nodeRemoved​(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
        Handle event from the list when a node has been removed.
        node - the node that was removed
      • nodeInserted

        protected void nodeInserted​(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
        Handle event from the list when a node has been added.
        node - the node that was added
      • close

        public void close()
        Mark this cursor as no longer being needed. Any resources associated with this cursor are immediately released. In previous versions of this class, it was mandatory to close all cursor objects to avoid memory leaks. It is no longer necessary to call this close method; an instance of this class can now be treated exactly like a normal iterator.