FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.append(E... elements) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will first traverse
the elements of the current iterable, followed by the provided
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.append(Iterable<? extends E> other) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will first traverse
the elements of the current iterable, followed by the elements
of the provided iterable.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.collate(Iterable<? extends E> other) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will traverse the
elements of the current and provided iterable in natural order.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.collate(Iterable<? extends E> other,
Comparator<? super E> comparator) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will traverse the
elements of the current and provided iterable according to the
ordering defined by an comparator.
static <T> FluentIterable<T> |
FluentIterable.empty() |
Creates a new empty FluentIterable.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.eval() |
This method fully traverses an iterator of this iterable and returns
a new iterable with the same contents, but without any reference
to the originating iterables and/or iterators.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.filter(Predicate<? super E> predicate) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will only return
elements from this iterable matching the provided predicate.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.limit(long maxSize) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will return at most
the provided maximum number of elements from this iterable.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.loop() |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will loop infinitely
over the elements from this iterable.
static <T> FluentIterable<T> |
FluentIterable.of(Iterable<T> iterable) |
Construct a new FluentIterable from the provided iterable.
static <T> FluentIterable<T> |
FluentIterable.of(T singleton) |
Creates a new FluentIterable of the single provided element.
static <T> FluentIterable<T> |
FluentIterable.of(T... elements) |
Creates a new FluentIterable from the provided elements.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.reverse() |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will traverse the
elements from this iterable in reverse order.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.skip(long elementsToSkip) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will skip the first
N elements from this iterable.
<O> FluentIterable<O> |
FluentIterable.transform(Transformer<? super E,? extends O> transformer) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will return all elements
of this iterable transformed by the provided transformer.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.unique() |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will return a unique view
of this iterable.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.unmodifiable() |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will return an unmodifiable
view of this iterable.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.zip(Iterable<? extends E> other) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will traverse
the elements of this iterable and the other iterable in
alternating order.
FluentIterable<E> |
FluentIterable.zip(Iterable<? extends E>... others) |
Returns a new FluentIterable whose iterator will traverse
the elements of this iterable and the other iterables in
alternating order.